Page 59 - index
P. 59

58                  xMUNICIPAL LAW.
                         Every l)y-liiw must be under  seal, and signed by  tlie head of  tlie
                      Council, or by the person presiding at the meeting at which the by-law
                      is passed, and also by the Clerk of the Corporation.
                          *i4.'». As Evidence.  A copy of any by law, written or printed, with-
                      out erasure or interlineations, under seal of the cor[)oration, and certified
                      to be a true copy by the Clerk and by one member of the Council, shall be
                      deemed authentic, and be received in evidence in any court of justice with-
                      out ]>r()of of seal or signature, unh ss specially alleged that the seal, or one
                      or both the signatures, have been forge<l.
                         'i4ii. Government Approval of By-Laws.  The  facts re(|uired  to
                      be recited  in a by-law, wiiich  recjuires the approval  of the Lieutenant-
                      Governor in Coinicil, nuist, before receiving such approval, be verified by
                      Holenui declaration by the head of the Council, Treasurer and Clerk, and
                      by such other person and on such other evidence as the Lieutenant-Gover-
                      nor in Council may recjuire.  In case of the deatli or absence of any of the
                      nuniicipal officers mentioned, then upon the declaration of any other mem-
                      ber of the Council whose declaration the Lieutenant-Governor in Council
                         !44'J. Opposition to By-Laws.  In case any ratepaj-er objects to the
                      passage of a by daw which reijuires to be preceded by an application of a
                      certain number of ratepayers, he  shall, on petitioning the Council, be
                      permitted to attend in person, or his counsel or agent, before the Council
                      or connnittee at the time the by-law  is to be considered, and produce
                      evidence  : That the necessary notice of the application for the by-law was
                      not given  :  oi' tliat certain signatures to the application are not genuine, or
                      obtainci] upon incorrect statements; or that the proposed by-law  is con-
                      trary to the wishes of the persons whose signatures were so obtained, and
                      that the remaining signatures do not amount to the number nor represent
                      the amount of property necessary to the passing of the by-law.
                         If the Council is satisfied, upon the evidence, that such representations
                      are correct, the by-law shall not be passed.

                                     V()TI>(J ON BY-LAWS.
                         In case a Ijy-law re([uires the assent of the electors bt^fore the  fiiuil
                      passing thereof, the proceedings to  bi^ taken, except  in cases otherwise
                      ])rovided for, are as follows
                         •^4K. Time and Place.  The Council shall, by by-law,  fix the day,
                      hour and place, or jilaees, for taking the votes, and appoint the deputy
                      ri'turning officers.  The day so fixed nuist not ho less than three nor more
                      than five weeks after the first publication of the by-law.
                         '149. Publication of By-Law.  The Council  shall, before the final
                      passing of  th(> by law, publish a cojiy of  it in some i)ublic newspaper.
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