Page 57 - index
P. 57
'ilil Costs occasioiiod b^- errors maj- be ordered to be paid by the
persons responsible tiierel'or, whether the assessor or clerk, or either one
jointly with others ; and in case the error be on tlie part of tiie Court of
Revision the muniei])ality shall pay the costs, or sliall jointly with any
person: and where not specially provided for, the costs shall be in the
discretion of the .Judf,'e.
•i:W. Neglect of Duty by Clerk. The lists shall not be vitiated by
a failure of the Clerk to perform his duties within the time appointed.
In case the Clerk fails to perforin any of the duties aforesaid, the Clerk
of the Peace shall forthwith apply to the Judfje to enforci' the performance
of the .same. Any jjer.soii entitled to be named as a voter on the list may
also make the api)lieation to the Judije.
The pfUJilty for neglect to perform his duty in connection with the
li.sts iiicins a penalty of !?200 for each such omission.
If the Clerk of the municipality, or the Clerk of tiie Peace, or any other
])eis()n wilfully makes any alti.'ration, omission or nicorrect insertion, or in
any way wilfully falsifies any certified list oi' copy, or permits the same
to he done, shall incur a penalty of !i!'2,()0().
'iIM>. Colorable Transfer of Property. Any person who becomes a
party to any lease, or deed, or other instrument, or the party to any verbal
arrangement whereby a colorable interest in land or a tenement is con-
ferred in order to ((Ualify a pei"son to be a voter, becomes liable to a
penalty of ."?l()0; and a person who induces or attempts to induce a person
to commit such ott'ence is liable to a likt! penalty.
ri40. Recovery of Penalties. The penalties mentioneil in the two
preeedino- sections may Ih" recovered, with costs, l)y any person suing for
the .same in any couit of competent jurisdiction.
'i4t- Creation of False Votes. If the Assessor has reasonable
grounds to suspect that any i)er.son claiming the right to l)e assessed has
not a just right to be as.sessed, he is reipiired to make rea,sonable in(|uires
before entering such person's name on the roll.
Any Assessor who wilfully ami impropeily inserts a person's name (m
the As.sessment Roll, or assesses a person too high with the intent of giving
such ])erson a vote, or who improperly omits the name of a person from
tlu! roll, or itssesses a jier.son at two low an a.ssessment with the intent in
either case of dt^priving a per,son of his right to bt- a voter, shall, upon
conviction before a court of competent jurisdiction, be liable to a fine not
exceeding $'200, and im])risonment unti' the fine is paid ; or to imprison-
ment in the conniion gaol for a perioil not exceeding six months: or to
both fine and imprisoinnent, in the discretion of the court.
'i4'i- Right to Inspect and Copy Documents. Any voter, or person
entitled to be a voter, or any agent of su(!h ])er,s()n, shall be entitled at all
reasonable times, and under rea.sonable restrictions, to inspect and take copies
or extracts from the Asse.ssment Itoll, notices, complaints, applications, and
other papers resjjectiiig the assessment !"oll and voters' lists.
'i4ll Clerk to Furnish Copies. 'I'he (^e'rk of the Peace or the Clerk
of a nuuiicipality shall furnish a certified copy of li.sts, or parts of lists, to