Page 54 - index
P. 54
years, and isnl)jectH of" Hlt iMiijest}' by birth or iiaturalizatioii, and appear-
injj by the Assessment Roll to be voters in tlie nuniiei])ality, and pretixinp-
to eacli bis number upon the roil. The name uuist only be once in each
1. The first part shall contain the names, in alphabetical order, of
all subjects by bii'th or naturalization of twenty-one years of afj;e, a))])earin{f
by the Assessment Roll to be entitled to vote in the nuniici])ality a*-, both
nmnicipal elections and for members of the Legislative Assembly.
2. The second part shall contain the names, in al])haljetical order, of
all male persons, widows, and unmarried women twenty-one years of age,
and subjects as previously stated, and appearing on the A.sse.ssment Roll to
be entitled to vote at municipal elections only, and not for members of the
Legislative Assembly.
ti. The third part shall contain the names, in alphabetical order, of all
other male jjer.sons twenty-one years of age, an<l subjects as previously
stated, jippearing by the Assessment Roll to be entitled to vote at elections
for members of the Legislative Assembly only, and not at nnnncipal 'old
Where a municipality is divided into ])olling sub-divisions there must
be such lists prejiared for each sub-division.
Opposite the person's naui • the Clerk shall mark the (jualification !>tii
whether " Manhood Frant:iiis' ," " Real Pro])erty," " Farmer's Son," (!tc. — as
])rovided by the Ontario V<;ters' Lists Act.
The Clerk shall also, in making out the voters' lists, in the column con-
taining the number of the vo^er <k\ the roll, or in a separate cohnnn beside
the same, mark the lettei- " J opposite the name of every male per.son
between the ages of twenty-one and si.xty. who is {|uaIiHed to .serve as a
juror, and the? list shall show at or neai' the end thereof the aggregate
' I • It;
number of such (|ualiHed persons to serve on juries.
Th(! Clerk nnist make out, with the Voters' List, a schedule con-
taining the names, numbered con.secutively, of every Post-office which, by
the Assessment Roll, appi'ars to be within the knowledge or belief of the 'itif
Clerk, the proper Post-office address of evei'v person on the list.
H'iH. Distribution of Lists liumediately after the Clerk made
the alphabetical lists, and within forty days in cities and thirty in other
nnniicipalities, after th.e final revision of the Assessment Roll, the Clerk shall
have at least two huiulred copies printed (in ])amphlet form where practi-
cable) and forthwith to post up, and keep posted up, one of the ])riiited
copies in a conspicuous place in his office, and ^-^ deliver or transmit by
n^gistered parcel three copies to the Judgt' of the County Court, and two
copies to each of the following persons: (I) Kvery memb(;r of the ]\[uni-
cipal Council, except the Reeve: (2) the Ti-easurer; {'i) Sheriff; (4) Clerk
of the Peace: ('•>) every Postmaster in the nnniicipality : ((3) every Head
Master or Mistress of a Public or Separate School in the nnniicipality;
(7) the County Clerk.
The Clerk shall also forthwith deliver to or transmit ten copies to
each of the following persons: (I) The nuMnber of the House of Commons
for the electral district in which the municipality lies ; (2) the member of
the Ijegislative Assembly ; (3) every candidate for whom votes were given