Page 61 - index
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                      60                  MUNICMPAf. LAW,
                      HiU'h suh-divisioii containing'  t\w  names, alphabetically arranfred, of all
                      persons ap[)earin}f hy tlie then last revised Assessment Roll to be entitled
                      to  voti! in that ward, said  list to be attested by his solemn declaration in
                         Incase of nnniicipaiities not divided into wards or polling sub-divisions,
                      the Clerk shall i)rovide himself with all the necessary papers, and perform
                      each and all the several duties imposed upon the deputy returnin}^ otiicers.

                                           THE POLL.
                         '^aa. On the day and at the hour fixed, a poll shall be held and the
                      vote taken by ballot.
                         Tlie proceedings at the poll and incidental thereto, together with the
                      duties of the Clerk and de[)uty returning ottieers, shall be the same a«
                      nearl}' as may be as at nnuiicipal elections, and all the provisions governing
                      the same (from Sections  i:{iS to 206, inclusive,) shall apply except as other-
                      wise specially provided.
                         Tlie printed directions to the tleputy-returning officers shall be in tlie
                      form of Schedule " L ".
                         'iHl. Who Can Vote.  The persona entitled to vote on such by-law
                         Freeholders who are entitled  to vote at a municipal  election  (see
                      -Section 81) an<l are vamed on the Voters' List
                         Leaseholdei's who would be entitled to vote at a municipal election,
                      whose lease exten<ls for the period of  tiiiu! within which the debt to be
                      conta'acted or the money to be raised under the by-law  is made payable,
                      and in which lease the  lessee has also covenanted  to pay the municipal
                      taxes.  (This does not apply  to by-laws respecting local improvements,
                      under Section  682, unless he has covenanted in  his lease to ])ay local
                      improvement taxes.)
                         For new municipalities in which there has not been any Assessment
                      Roll, the re(iiiirements of being named on the  list, and being rate<l on the
                      roll, shall be dispensed with; but in such case the person ottering to vote
                      must po,ssess all the other (|ualifications, and be at the time a resident of
                      the municipality, and have then sufficient property to entitle him to vote
                      if he had been rated for such property, and must also name such property
                      to the Deputy Returning Officer, also at the reijuest of any one entitled to
                      vote the deputy returning officers shall note such property in the Voters'
                      List opposite the votir's name.
                         'iHH. Where to Vote.  Electors may vote  in each ward  in which
                      they are (jualified to vote.
                         Electors acting as dejiuty returning officer, or poll clerk, or agent
                      may vote where they are appointed and acting in that capacity, on pro-
                                                              I'he certificate must
                      duction of a certificate from the Clerk to that efiect.
                      state the property or other (lualification entitling him  to vote, and such
                      certificate must be attached by  the Deputy Returning  Officer to the
                      Voters' List.
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