Page 63 - index
P. 63


                      62                  MUNICIPAL LAW.
                      tilt- power of determining the  (|U('Htioii as  in any case of a Hcrutiny of
                         The petition to the Judge may be hy anj' elector, or b}- the Council.
                         'tan. Scrutiny of Votes.  If, within two weeks after the Clerk has
                      declared the result of the voting, any elector "ipidies, upon petition, to tlie
                      County Judge, after giving notice of such application, and to such persons
                      as  tile Judge  directs, and shows by  affidavit to the Judge reasonable
                      grounds for a scrutiny of the ballot papers, and such person enters into a
                      recognizance in the sum of ii^lOO, with two sureties in the sum of .^50 each,
                      to pi'osecute the petition with  effect, and to pay the costs that may be
                      adjudged against him, the Judge may appoint a day and place within the
                      nuiniei|)ality for the scrutiny.
                         'iMi. Notice of Time.  At  least  one  iveeh's  notice  of  the day
                      appointed must be given  l)y the petitioner to such persons as the Judg<;
                      (M rects, and to the Clerk.
                         'iii7- Powers of Judge.  On the day and at the hour appointed the
                      Clerk shall, with the ballot papers, appear before the Judge, who, after
                      inspecting the  bixllot papers and hearing the respective parties on both
                      sides, siiall determine whether the majority of the votes given  is for or
                      against the by-law, and forthwith certify the result to the Council.  The
                      costs shall be in the tliscretion of the Judge.
                         5J08. By-Law Passed by Council.  A by-law duly carried by vote of
                      the fjualitied electors shall, within six 'icceks thereafter, bo pa.ssed by the
                         In case of a petition being presented, the by-law shall not be passed
                      until tiie petition has been disposed of, but the time consumed in disposing
                     of the petition shall not be reckoned as part of the six weeks.

                                 CONFIRMATION OF BY-LAWS.
                         The promulgation of a by-law consists in tlu' publication through the
                      public )) of a true copy of the by-law, and of the signature attesting its
                     authenticity, with a notice appended thereto of the time limited by law for
                     applicati(jns to the courts to (juash the .same or any part thereof.  The
                     publication shall be in such public newspaper, published either  in the
                     municipality, or in the county town, or in a public newspaper published in
                     an adjoining nmnicipality as the Council may designate i)y resolution, and
                     shall be continued in at least o?ie number of such papei-each week for three
                     coiii^f'CiUive weeks.  The form of notice is given in Section 376, Chap. 223,
                     11. S. O, 1897.
                         'Hi9. By-Law Confirmed.  In case no application  is made to (juash
                     the by-law wltldn three months after its third publication, the by-law, or
                     so much of  it as is not the subject of any such application, or not being
                     quashed, shall, notwithstanding any want of form, either in the by-law
                     itself or in the time or manner of passing the .same, be a valid by-law.
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