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pauiod by purt'iit or <;iiiu'iliaii, is liiihle for ovory .such ofFoiico to ii jM'iiiilty ol'
or two not k'Hs tlmii i^2, 111)1' iiKJi'c tliaii !?!(), iiinl costs; ami tin; iiiinor so liiii^eriii^'
witlioiit j^ocjil and sutficii'iit cause, and wlio is not a n-sident on tlic juvuiises I
or a hoarder or lodjfcr, is liahlo to the saiiie penalty.
JIH, Prosecutions. Ail int'orniation or coiii|ilaiiits for the pro.secu-
tioji oi' oHences under this Act shall he made in writiiifjf within thirty days
alter tlu' coiniiiissioii ol' the oH'ence or the cause of action arose.
I1J>. Pawn by Tavern Keepers. If any person holding;- a license
purcha.scs from any per.son any wcarinif apparel, tools, impleiiients of trade
or hushandry, Hshin<,';fear, liousehold <roo<ls, furniture or provisions ])y way
of sale or harter, directly or indirectly, the consideration for any part of
which is any into.Nicatin<f liipior or the price thereof, or receives from any
person any "foods in pawn, any stipendiary iiia<,'iHtrate, a police iiiaifistrate,
(ir two justices of the peace may. upon sutKcient |)roof on oatli heiiij,' made,
issue a warrant for the re.stitution of till such pro])(!rty, and for payment of
costs, and the oft'eiider shall he liable to a penalty not excee<Hii<; !520.
J'iO. Furnishing Liquor in Excess. Wlu-re in any tavern, place
of public entertainment, where refreshments are sold, or where intoxicatiiijf
li(|Uors are sold, cither lej^all}' or illej^ally, any person has drunk to excess
of intoxicatiii;;- liipiors furnished to liiiii therein, and while in a .state of
intoxication from such drinkinehas come to his deatli by suicide or drown-
inj;', or perishinji' from cold or other accident caused ])y such intoxication,
the keeper of such house, and also the person or persons wIkj, for such
kee])er, delivereil the liiiuor to such per.son which caused the into.xication
shall be jointly and severally liable to an action, if brou<ilit within three
months thereafter, l)y the legal representatives of the decea.sod, who may
bring either a joint and general action again*it them, or a separate action
against any iMie of them, and recover a sum not less than SlOO, nor more
than !?l,000, in the aggregate as (himages, as the court or jury determine.
Vil- Liability for Assaults. If a person in a state of intoxication
assaults any i)erson or injures any property, the person who furnislu'd
liim the lii|Uor, if done in violation of this Act or in violation of law,
shall be jointly and .severally liable with the person intoxicated foi- the
injury done; and the person injured, or his legal representative, may
recover damages in an action against them jointly or against either one
7'i*i- Restricting Sale to Inebriates. Where it is made to appiar
in open court, sitting in the county in which he resides, that the person
summoned before such court b^' excessive drinking of li(juor misspends
or wastes his estate, or greatly injures his health, or endangers the peace
and happiness of his family, the police magistrate or justices holding such
court shall, by writing, under the hand of such police magistrate or of two
of the justices, forbid any licensed person to .sell to him any liquor for one
year; and such police magistrate or justices, or any other two justices of
the county in which the .said person resides, may, at the .same time, or anv
other time, in like manner forbid the selling of any .such liquor to the