Page 160 - index
P. 160
eIectoi-.H, as aforesaid, petition ajjainst the same. The petitions ajjainst the
of HUCll
jfi-antinjj of a license sliall be lodjred with tlie inspeetor at least four days
tliert'to. i
before the Hi'st meeting of tlie Board to consider the ap])lication, and tiie
inspector sliall present the petititai at such meetinJ,^
t'Hs the
In case of dispute as to the reijuired majority or proper (pialiHeation
of the electors sif^ninjf the petition or certiiicate, the Clerk's certificate shall
ocality, be sufficient and final.
ority of
110. When Licenses Must Not be Granted. \. The license
of any
connni.ssioners shall not orant any license whatever for the sale of intoxi-
be not
cating li(|Uors on the days of the Imlustrial Kxiiosition at Toronto, or of
ist's tire
an}' district or township aj^ricultural exhibition, either within the {.(rounds
or within 800 yards from said <^rounds.
2. Nor within 800 yards of a church, high school, public or separate
school, university or college, or other pulilic I'ducational institution
measured from the main entrance of such building.
8. No license shall be issued for the sale of licjuor on an}' fenyboat
or vessel navigating the great lakes or the inland rivers, and no liipior shall
be kept for sale on such boats.
111. Prohibited Sales. 1. All places where intoxicating liijuors arc
sold by wholesale or retail shall bi' closed from seven o'clock Saturday
night until six o'clock Monday morning, and during these hours none
must be sold or drunk on the premises, except by the occupant, or a
mendier of the family or a lodger. The bar-room must also be kept closed
during such hours except upon reijuisition of a physician, or a justice of the
2. On other days the prohibition extends fiom ten o'clock in the
evening for townships, villages and unorganized territory, and eleven
o'clock in cities and towns, and the hour of six o'clock in the morning.
of 3. No sales of li(pior on polling days within the limits of a polling
sub-division for either a parliamentary election, or legislative assembly
or municipal election, or when voting on the Canada Temperance Act, from
six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the morning of the following
daj'. Jn cities, towns and incorporated villages a light in the bar-room
is deemed jirlvia fuclr evidence of sale.
lllij. Penalties. J. Persons, other than the keeper of the house or a
lodger, who is unlawfully found in the bar-room or who buys licpior during
the prohibited hours for selling, is liable to a tine not exceeding !?10, nor
less than S2, with costs.
2. Purchasing intoxicating li(|uor from any person not licensed to sell
incurs a penalty under the Act.
.'}. The holder of a shop license or a ilruggist who allows any liijuor f.i
to be consumed on the premises is liable to the penalties for selling licpiors
without a license.
4. Persons holding a license to sell by wholesale must not allow li<juor
to be consumed on the premises, nor sell to persons to sell again who have
no license.
i>. Any license connnissioner or inspector wdio knowingly issues any contrary to the provisions of the Act is liable, upon conviction, to a
penalty for each oft'ence of not less than $40 nor more than Si 00.