Page 163 - index
P. 163

160                MUNICIPAL LAW.
                         said jK'ison  l>y luiy lici-iised person of iiny other city, town or iistrict to
                         wliicli lie resorts or may be likely to resort for ]i(|Uor.
                            Any person so  prohibited or  notified, his servants or  a<;ents. who
                         violates' this section is liable for the Hrst oHencc to a tine not excoedinj;
                         !?2(); and f(jr a second or any subHe(|uent oflenco, to a penalty of not  less
                         than ^:J() nor more than !^50.
                            If any other person who knows that liipior has  l)een prohibited" to
                         such ilrunkard, either  j^ives, sells or procures for him any  lii|Uor. they
                         shall, upon conviction, incur foi- every such oU'ence a tine not less than i^'2o
                         nor more than >'oO.
                            The person in respect  i f whom such notice has been ijiven may have
                         it set aside by ap)ilyin<(. to the County Judj^e, but he nnist j^ive the polici;
                         niajfistrate or justices wIkj sijrned the  jietitiijn seven chiys' notice of his
                         intention to ilo so, and also the County Crown Attormy.  The Judj^e may
                         then, after hearing the case and beinj; satisfied that the wife or luisband
                         (if married) of such person consents thereto, either set aside the proliiliition
                         or dismiss the said application as seems to him best.
                            TiH- Relatives Prohibiting.  The husband,  v. ife, parent  or child,
                         twenty-one years of ati,e  ; brother, sister, niosier, frnardian or employer of
        If,;             any person who has the habit of tlrinkiuf,' intoxicatinjj  licpior to excess:
                         or the parent, brother or sister of the husband ur wife of such drinkini;
                         person  ; or the guardian of any child of such driidvinjf i)erson  : may ^dve
                         notice in writin<f (or may re(|uire the inspector to j;ive the notice). si<rned
                         by him or her, to any person licensed to  .sell intoxicatinij  li(|Uors  !iot to
                         deliver  intoxicating.^ lit|Uors to such  inking person.  If the person so
                         notified at any time within twelve months after such notice, either himself,
                         clerk or agent (otherwise than on a re(|uisition signed by a physician)
                         delivers or sutlers to be delivered from any place whatever where such
                         liiiuor is sold to the person having such habit, incurs, upon conviction, a
                         penalty not e.\ceeding :?50  : or the person giving such notice, or rei|uiring
                         the Inspector to give it. may, in an action as foi* personal wrcmg if brought
                         within six months theit-after, recover from the  per.son  notified a sum not
                         less than 5*20 nor more than .S500, as the court or jury awards.
                            A married woman ma\' liring such action  in her own name without
          '  ji  I       any authority by her husband, and the damages n-covered by her shall go
                         to her separate estate.  In ca,se of death of either  phiintifl" or defendant
                         the action and right of actiim survive to the legal representatives.
                            If after the service of such notice, any other ])er,son with a knowledge
                         of such notice gives, sells or procures for or on behalf of such >lrinking
                         personally licpior incurs, upon conviction, for every such offence a penalty
                         not less than 825 nor more than !*50.
                             t^i. Money for Liquor Illegally Sold.  Payment for  li(iuor  ille-
                         gally furnished cannot be collected, and  if payment in any form whatever
                         has been made it may be recovered back from tlio receiver.
                            Every  sale, transfer, conveyance or  lien  notes or .securities of any
                         kind, given on account of li(|Uors illegally furnished, are wholly null and
                         void, unless they have come into the hands of third parties without notice
                         for value.
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