Page 159 - index
P. 159
.MrNIC'|.PAl. LAW.
Any {MM-Hou who Ims sigiunl the iiicinorial the ^nintiii}f of .such
license may lie hoard by the Board of ConnnLssionei's in opposition thereto.
In ease the character of tlu applicant is ohjected to, three days' notice lie j^'iven the applicant before the objection shall be heard, the
IJoard directs otherwise.
101. Petitions against Renewal of in a residential locality,
si<fiied by not less than scventy-tive person.s, being at least a majority of
the electors in a pollin;j sub-division, may be presented to the Board of any
city, jiraying that any tavern license i.ssued in that sub-division be not
renewed on the ground of that the locality in which the premises are
situate is a residential and not a business locality.
1. Hefon^ circulating such petition ten resident electors may, by writing,
reiiuest the Hoard to decide whether or not such locality is a residential or
business locality. Notice of such application must be personally .sei'ved
on the owner, and if the owner is not the occupant, then upon the occupant
of the premises also, at least two weeks before the application is delivered
to the Jjoard.
2. A written notice, signed by at least ten resident electors of the
polling sub-division, setting forth the substance, of the petitions, must be
personally served upon the owner of such licensed premises, and if the
owner is not the occupant, then upon the occupant also, and published
once each week for two successive weeks in a daily newspaper published
in the city.
3. The petitions shall be pre.sented within two months after service of
the notice of the intention to present the same and before the 1st day of
April, and tliere shall be annexed thereto a certificate under the hand of
tht! Clerk and seal of the corporation that the petition is signed by at least
a majority of the electors of the sub-division.
The signatures must also be verified by the statutory declaration of
at least one attesting witness.
TOK. Action by the Board. The Board of License Commissioners
shall meet within one week after the receipt of the petition, and upon being
satisfied that the provisions here enumerated have been complied with, shall,
by ri'solution, declare that the license for such premises shall not be
renewed after the expiration of the next ensuing license year, nor any
other license in lieu thereof be granted to premises in said locality si) long
as the same is a residential locality.
100. New Applicants for License. In case of an application for a
tavern or shop license by a person who is not at that time a licensee mider
the Act, or in case of an application for a transfer from another ])f)lling
sul)-division of such license to premises which are not then licensed, the
petition for the sajne must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the
majority of the electors entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative
A.ssembly in the polling sub-division in which said premises ai-e situate, and
the said majority must include at least one-thinl of such electors who are at
the time of such application residents within the said polling sub-division.
The license shall not be gi'anted if a majority' of tha duly (])uilified