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P. 167

                         any errors  tlwit  nwiy lie iliscovorod.  TIil- Clerk slmll  tile tlic .same in  Iiis
                         ottico, and i'ortliwitli furnish the county treasurei' a true C()])y of the same
                         certified by him and under the e()ri)()r;ite seal.  He shjili idso furnish such
                         treasurer witli a list of such parcels of land as iia\e hecome occupit'd. or
                         incorrectly doscribeil.
                             4. The Clerk of each municipality, in making,' out the (\jlU'ctor's lioll
                         of the year, shall adil such arrears of tuxes as an- icturiied t)y the county
                         and city or town treasure!', respectively, to the taxes assessed against such
                         occupied lauds, and such arrears collected the same as the taxes >ipon the
                         roll for the current year.
                             If there  is not siitHcieiit di.stress n\nn\ any of the occu])ied lamls to
                         .satisfy the total amount of taxes for arrears and for current year, the
                         Collector .shall .so return it in his roll to the treasurer of the municipality,
                         showing the amount collecte(l and the amount remaining unpaid.
                             5. The treasurer of every township and village shall, within fourteen
                         day.s after the time appointed  for the return and Hnal .settlement of the
                         Collector's Roll, an<l before the Mth day of April in every year, furnish the
                         county trea.surer with a statement of ail unpaid taxes and school rates to
                         be collected.
                             (). In case it is found by the .statement mentioned in ])receding clause,
                         that the arrears of taxes upon the occvi])ied lands of non-residents ren)ain
                         in arrears, such lands shall be iucludeil in the next ensuing list of lands to
                         be  .sold bv the County Treasurer, and need not be again placed on the
                         Collector's Roll.
                             7. The penalty for cli'rks, a.ssessoi's, treasni'er.s, (.: other otlicers, neglect-
                         ing to perform such duties as here reijuired of them,  is a Hue of from
                         8100 to S200, an<l imprisonment until the  tine  is paiil; or both, tim- and
                             1184. Who to Receive Taxes.  After the return of the roll to the
                         treasurer of a township or village and  l)efoi'e the statement of unpaid
                         taxes has been .sent to the County Treasiner, arrears of taxes may be paiil
                         to the Local Trea.surer, lait after that time payments may be luade to the
                         County Treasurer.
          •;!:l              JJJS. Interest on Arrears.  1.  if,  at  the  balance  to  be made on
                         the 1st day of ^Fay  in every year, there are arrears  dui; on land,  the
                         Treasiu'er shall a<ld ten percent./)^'*' iiniinin to the whole amount then <lue.
                             In municipalities where, by by-law, taxes are |iayabii' by instalments
                          an<l iive per cent, added  in ih-fault of such payments, then oidy five  ])er
                          cent, shall lie adiled at 1st of May insteail of ten [k'V cent, or such ])er cent,
                          as will make the total not less than ten per cent., if less than  five were
                          previously added.
                             2. In cities having  l()(),()00 or more inh.ibitants at the balance to be
                          made on the day of May, the Treasurer shall add to the whole amount
                          of ai'rears due on lands the l(>gal rate of interest and in I'veiy nuniicipality
                          where, by bydaw, taxes are payable by instalments and a percentage has
                          been added  t)}'  rea.son of default  in i)aynient of such instalments, the
                          Treasurer shall add to the balance remaining unpaid u])on the ilay of
                          May the legal rate of interest, less whatever has alieatly  lieen added by
                          reason of default.
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