Page 158 - index
P. 158


                                       MUNTCfPAL r.AW.                 l.-).-)
                   think  fit  Such bj'-law  iiiiiy  b(> imulo to come in force on the  l,st »hiy of
                   May next ensuinif, or on the 1st day of May of  tiie .succeedinij year, and
                   shall not be repealed during the next tliree years after it conies in  force.
                      TOti. Wholesale Licenses may be issued in any municipality at any
                   time durinj^ the year by the Inspector, after the License Conunissioners
                   have directed the same to be {^ranted the applicant.  Such license shall be
                   for selling spirituous or fermented  li<|Uors by wholesale only, and shall  I
                   become void in case the holder, either directly or indirectly, through any
                   partner, clerk or other agent, carries on, during the currency of the license
                   upon the pi'emises, the business of a retail ilealer in other goods or wares.
                      T0;{. Manufacturers of Native Wines from grapes grown in Ontario
                   ma}  sell such wines in ([uantities of not less that one gallon, or two bottles
                   of not less than three half pints each at one tinie, not to be drunk upon the
                   premises, are not re<|uired to have a license.
                      '104. Council Imposing Higher Fees.  The Council of any muni-
                   cipality may,  b}' by-law, passed before the  1st day of March, re(|uire a
                   higher fee for tavern or shop licenses than the statutory sum, but must not
                   exceed  S20(), unless such by-law has been submitted to and received the
                   assent of the electors.  If such by-law is not passed before the 1st day of
                   March, it will not come into force until the 1st day of May in the following
                   year, and shall remain in force until repealed.  If  it has been approved by
                   the electors the repealing by-law must also receive approval of electors.
                      105. Sale of Liquor by Druggists.  Chemists or druggists may sell
                   litpiors for strictly medicinal purposes, in packages of not more than six
                   ounces at any one time, or any mixture containing liquor mixed with any
                   other drug or medicine for medicinal purposes, in packages of not more than
                   one pint.
                      The druggist is required to keep a I'ecord of every .sale of such liquors,
                   giving the date, name of purchaser and (|uantity sold, and the prescription
                   of the medical practitioner.
                      TOO. Objections to Grant of License.  Any ten or more electois of
                   a polling sub-division, may object by petition to the granting of any license
                   within such sub-division, and may urge any one or more of the following
                   objection, as the case may be
                      (1) That the applicant is of bad fame and character, or has previously
                   forfeited a license, or that the applicant has been convicted of selling lii|Uor
                   without a license within a period of one year, or that he has kept within a
                   period of two yeai-s a place in which the illicit sale of liquors was frecjuent
                   and notorious  ; or,
                      (2) That the premises in question are out of I'epair, or have not the
                   accommodation re(|uired by law, or rea.sonable accommodation if the pre-
                   mises be not subject to the .said requirements  ; or,
                      (3) That the licensing thereof is not required in the neighborhood, or
                   that the premises are in the immediate vicinity of a place of public worship,
                   hospital or school, or that the (juiet of the place in which such premises are
                   situate will be disturbed if a license is granted.
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