Page 157 - index
P. 157
2. Kvi'iy tavern slinll be sliuwii to the .satisfaction of the
conuiiisHionerH to be a well-appointed and .sufficient eating-liouse, with all
the appliances reipiisite for the daily service of meals to travellers This
sub-section applies to all taverns or houses of entertainment without
3. Councils of cities and towns may, by b^^-laws passed before the
Lst (hiy of March in any year, prescribe for the next license 3'ear reipiire-
ments in addition to those previously n>entioned as to accominoilation to
be po.ssessed by taverns, and the license commissioners upon receiving a
copy of such by-law are bound to obsene its provisions until the by law
is repealed.
<»!>8. Beer and Wine Licenses may be i.s.sned upon application in
place of tavern licenses if the Hoard of Commissioners, by resolution passed
before the bst day of May, so declare; but such resolution must not so
limit the number of tavern and .shop licenses as to prohibit within any
municipality the .sale of spirituous litpior.s.
1. A beer and wine license means a tavern license for selling by retail
lager beer, ale, beer and porter, and native wines manufactured in Ontario,
containing not more than fifteen per cent, of alcohol, also light foreign
wines (not port, sherry or Maderia wine) containing not more tlui" Hfteen
per cent, of alcohol, in (luantities of than one ijuart.
2. The holder of such license is subject to all the conditions and
penalties that apply to tavern licenses.
.S. The hokler of a beer and wine shall not keep spirits on the
premises, or any intoxicating liipiors other than those enumcrat(H], and
the native and foreign light wines containing more than fifteen per cent,
of alcohol, or be liable to the penalties provided for selling spirituous
li(juors without license. (See Section 712.)
tt*M>. Saloon licenses are not to be issued after the 30th day of April,
1809, but all licensed to sell intoxicating liijuors nmst have all the
tavern acconunodation reipiired by law.
1. Exception is made respecting eating-houses or restaurants in
railway stations having had a license before the 13th da^^ of April, 1S97,
and was at that date duly licensed Such license may, in the discretion
of the License Commissioners, begranteil without the hotel accommodation.
100. Shop Licenses. No shop licensi; shall be granted to any person
to .sei' licjuors in any store or where groceries or other merchand-
ise art sold, except mineral or aerated water, not containing spirits, ginger
ale, li(jUor cases, bottles, or licjuor baskets, or packages, taps or faucets,
cigars i 1 unbroken packages of not less than fifty cigars or fifty cigarettes,
or five pounds of tobacco, and not to be consumed on the premises.
Ginger ale and mineral waters must not bo sold in less (|uantities than
one-half dozen bottles, and must not be consumed on the premises.
101. Restrictions by Councils. The councils of cities, towns, vil-
lages and townships may, by by-laws, to be passed before the 1st day of April
in any year, limit the number of shop licenses to be granted therein for the
next ensuing license year, and impose such resti-ictions as the Council may