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162                 .MINK'll'AL  l-A\V
                          liable to .si'i/uie i'or tax, unless tlicy aiv tin-  [»i()|terty of tla- pfison wlio is
                          actually assessed  For the premises and whose name appears upon the Col-
                          lector's Roll  for the year as liable theivfor.  ('I'his clause saves  )i tenant's
                          exemption from seizure for the lamlloril's taxes.)
                             The person elaimine; any of the afoi'esaiil exemptions shall select and
                          point out the ;;oods and chattels to which he claims exem])tion.
                             I'il. Levying Under Warrant.  If a collector has <;ood reason  to
                          l)elieve that a person liable foi- taxes is about to remove such j^oods as are
                          liable for distress for tiie same out of the mnuiciiiality before the time has
                          expired, he may. after makini;' arfidavit to that eHect  before' the mayor or
          if              reeve, or a justice of the peace, obtain a wari'aut to lo\y on such floods at
                          once for the taxes and costs.  The costs would be the sanm as allowed to a
                          bailiti'of the  J )i vision Court.
                             No chari,fe siiall be maile in connection with such ili.stresH unless such
                          thini,' has actually been done,  without such person  renderinj;  him.self
                          liable to tiie regular penalties provided by statute for excessive an<l illegal
                             ViH. As to Non-Residents.  A  non-resident name appears
                         on the roll, the Colleetoi- shall ti' post, to him at the address jrivcn
                         a statement and demand for the taxes charged a;^ainKt him. and enter i\w
                          date of transmi.ssion on his roll opposite the name.
                             One month after the delivery of the roll to the Collector, ami fourteen
                         day.s after the demand was transmitted l)y, the ('ollector may make
                         disti'ess of any i^oods and  chattels which he may find upon the preniises,
                         in the same manner ami subject to same limitations as previously stated
                          for resident taxpayers.
                             J'iO. Sale for Taxes.  The Collector  shall post up in at legist three
                          public places in the township, vilhiije oi' ward where the sale of the j^oods
                          is to be inaile, \f\\{' at least six days' pui)lic notice of the time and |)lace of
                          sale, and name of person property is to l)e sold.  At the time named
                          in the notice the Collector, or his ayent, shall sell liy public auction the goods
                          and ehattels, or so much of them as may be necessary.
                             The surjilus. if miclaimed by any other person (ju the grouufl of the
                          |»roperty soM belonging to him, or entitle(l by  lien or to the
                          surplus, shidi  Ite r<'tin'ned to the person in w hose ])osses.^ion the property
                          was when the disti-ess was niadiv
                             If the right to the surplus is contested, the Collector shall pay it over
                          to the treasurer, who will hold the same until the respective rights of the
                          persons are legally determined.
                             If taxes cannot be recovereil as  proviilecl by  this Act. they may be
                          recovered, with interest and costs, as a ilebt due the nnniiei|iality.
                             1IM>. Tenant and Taxes.  Where taxes ;ire due upon occu-
                          pied by a tenant who  is not liable to j>ay the  s.ime, the Collector may
                         give such tenant  notice, in writing, recpiiring him to pny such  collector
                          the; rent as  it becomes due until the  fimomit  of taxes and  costs are
                         j)aid.  The Colli'ctor has .same authority as  tlu' landlord to collect such
                          rent, bv distress or otherwise.
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