Page 164 - index
P. 164


                                       MUNICIPAL LAW.                   1(51

                           COLLECTOKS AND THKIK DUTIES
                       In cities and towns the Collector .sliiiU call at least once on the jhtsoii
                   taxed at iiis usual plaee of residence di' ])Ia('e of business, ami demand pay-
                   ment of the taxes payid)le  l)y such person; or he  siiall  leave with  sucii
                   person, or at his place of residence or phice of  business, a written  or
                   printed  notice, specifyinjf the amount of tlie  tax, and shall inunediateiy
                   after such demand or notice enter tlie date on the collection  roll opposite
                   tlio name of such person.
                       in municipalities other thar  cities an<l towns he must make the
                   p"i'sonal demand, unless empowc .-ed by by-law  to serve the written or
                   printed notice.
                       7'i!i. Sale for Taxes.  In ease a person neijlects to j)ay Ids taxes for
                   fourteen days after such demaml or  bein<;' served with such notice, unless
                   there is a by-lay fen* payment of taxes by instalments, the Collector may,
                   by Idmself or his aj^ent levy the same, with co.sts, by distress:
                       1. [^pon  t'le  j^oods and  chattels  of the  per.son  actually  as.sessed
                   wlu'rever found within the county.  The goods of a tenant not assessed
                   are not lial'le.  (See Section 730.)
                       '2. Cpon goods on  tiie, including his interest in .such goods
                   lie may  pt) under a  contract  for  purchase, or  is to become the
                   owner of after performance of certain conditions.
                       •]. Upon th" goods and chattels of the owner of the premises, whether
                   such owner is assessed for the premises or not.
                       4. Cpon any goods and chattels on the premises where title is claimed
                   in any of the following ways:
                       (a). By virtue of an execution against the owner or person assessed  ; or,
                       {!})  liy  piux'iiase,  gift,  transfer or assignment from  the owner or
                   per.son  assessed, whether  al)solute  or in  trust, by mortgage or other-
                   wise  ; or,
                       (c) By the  wife, husband, daughter, son, daughter-in-law or son-in-
                   law of the owner or person a.ssessed, or by any relative of his who lives on
                   the premises as a member of the family  : or,
                       ((/) Where  the goods  Iial)le  for the  taxes  have  been exchanged
                   between two ])ersons, by the one borrowing or hiring from the other, for
                   the purposes of did'eatin-^ the claim or ilistress for taxes.
                       By this section  it  is clear that in case a  bailiff has seized, uniler an
                   e.xecution, or diattel mortg.tge or landlord's warrant, goods liable for the
                   taxes, and which  g^ioils  a:-e  still on the i)remise», the tax colh'ctor has
                   priority of claim, and will take the cnattels unless the taxes are ])aid or
                       Ti'Ui- Exemptions,  (a) Goods on the belonging to  third
                   parties, where the owner or person assessed is not in possession.
                      (/)) (ioods  in  the possession of the owner or person assessed for the
                   purpose of storing or warehousing the .same, or for selling on connnission,
                   or as agent, or as assignee.
                      ((') Goods exempt by law from seizure under execution .shall not be
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