Page 156 - index
P. 156
MUNfCIPAI. r.AW. 153
party lu-sides tlicir costs; they .sliiill piiy the excess over to said aj;'f;i'icve(l
If the Council has by bydaw decided to dispense with tlie levyiiij^
of a dorj tax, tlie owner of any sheep or himl) kiHed or injured by a doi;
may, notwithstanding, sui' the owner or keeper of sucli tlo<; or dogs for
the damage sustained as previously mentioned.
<MM. When Compensation is not Allowed. The owner of any sheep
or lamb killed or injured while running at large upon a highway or
unenelo.sed land has no claim under the Act to obtain compensation from
the nuniicipality.
0!K"». Issue of Licenses. Taveri\ and shoj) licenses may issue between
the i^t and l.")th day of May in each year, and shall expire on the :iOth day
of April of the following year.
In special cases the License Commissioners may direct licenses to issue
after the 1st day of May, providing the application for the same has been
filed with the inspector on or before the Lst day of April.
iiiHi. Number of Licenses- The number of tavern licenses to be
granted in a nuniicipality in each year shall not exceed the following limi-
tations in cities, towns and incorporated villages:
1. For the Hrst 250 of the population, one tavern license.
2. For each subsequent '2riO of the population one ta\ern license, but
not more than three sueli licenses for the first 1,000 inhabitants.
'A. For each full (iOO over the first 1,000 inhabitants, one tavern
4. The preceding parts of this section do not apply to county towns
having a population of '2,r>00, or less, as to which there maj'^ be one license
for each 2.')0 for the first 1,000 inhabitants, and one for each 400 over
1,000 of the population.
In no case can the number of tavern licenses be increased in a
nnniieipality beyond the nundjer issued for the year ending 1st May, 1807,
uidcss the population has so increased .since taking the census in 1<S!M
that the eonnnissioners deem a larger number neces.sary.
Ut><. Accommodation Required. Every tavern to be licensed shall
contain, during the continuance of the license, in aihlition to what is
net'di'd for the use of the family, not less than four bedrooms, togethei'
with a suitable complement of bedding and furniture, and attached to .said
tavern pi'oper stabling for at least six horses. In cities, the number of
bcdi'ooms reipiired is six : but in both cities and incorporated towns
stabling is not reipiired for horses.
I. Such tavern shall form no part of, and shall not communicate by,
any entrance with a store wliere groceries or pn-\"isions are kept for sale.
This sub-s{>ction does not apply to tcjwnships unless provided for by a
bv-law of the Council.