Page 13 - index
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                   thereafter, as long as the by-law remains in force, be elected for each ward,
                   and the balance to make up the whole number of six by general vote. libl^S
                      Towns having a population of over five thousand may pass by-laws
                   l)r<.'v-iiling that said Council consi^st of a mayor and one councillor for each one
                   thousand inhabitants, to be elected by a general vote.  Such by-law must
                   first have the assent of the electors qualified to vote at municipal elections.
                      !4.1». Village Councils shall consist of a reeve, wIkj shall lie the head
                   thereof, and four councillors, who shall be elected by a general vote.
                      For qualifications see Section 20.
                      *Hi. Township Councils shall consist of a reeve, who .shall be the
                   head thereof, and four councillors, who shall be elected by a ^^'lenil vote.
                      For qualifications see Section 20.
                      '47- County Councils shall be composed as follows:
                      1. If the population of  tin.' county  is twent^'-five thousand or,
                   there shall not be less than four nor more than  fixe Council <livisions,
                   represented by not less than eight nor more than ten members.
                      2. If the population  is more  than  twent3'-tive  thousand, but less
                   than forty tiiousand, then not less than five nor more than six divisions,
                   with not less than ten nor more than twelve members.
                      3. If  population  is  forty thousand but  less than  sixty thousand,
                   then not than  si.K noi- more than seven divisions, with not less than
                   twelve uor more than fourteen members.
                      4. If population  is sixty thou.sand or more, then not less than eight
                   nor more than nine divisions, with not less than sixteen nor more than
                   eighteen members.  Cities, towns nwl other municipalities separated from
                   the county and  unorganized Indian Reserves shall  not  be included in
                   computing the population.  The population of a county shall  Ije ascer-
                   tained by  reference  to  the  pojiulation  of  the  local  nnniicipalities as
                   shown by the last decennial census by the Dominion.
                      ?J8. Council Division Numbers.  Each  division  is  to be  distin-
                   guished  i)y  its lunnber  (as "First County Council  Division," "Second,"
                   etc.), and shall be represented by two nuMubers wIkj are resitlents of the
                   division, and who shall hold office for two years, and until their succe.s,s-
                   ors are elected and sworn into office ami the new Council is organized.
                      'i9. Rearrangement of County  Divisions.  The  Judge  of  the
                  County Court, the Warden and the Clerk of the Peace shall constitute
                   11 Board, w'liose duties shall be, when the County Council divisions have
                   been disturbed through any cause, to i-earrange the .same, but in so doing
                  to make only such clianges as the altered circumstances reciuirc.
                      SO.  Provisional County Councils.  The county  councillors who
                  re]>resent the County Council divisions constituting a junior county (in-
                  cluding any County Council Division which takes in the larger part of
                  any municipality in such junior county), shall, e.f officio, be the members
                  of the Provisional Council of such junior county.

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