Page 10 - index
P. 10
MrMC'll'AI, LAW 9
III luIjuHtiiij,' tliis Hwnrd tlu' iirl)itrat()r.s sliiill consider, (iiii<iii<,' otluT
tiling's, tlic luiiouiit ]»r>'vi()ii.sly ]mu\ liy I lie town, or for wliicli tlir town is
li)il)lc to pay, tor tin' CMiiistniction of tlic county
still ro;iils iiipl l)i'iil;;('s oi'
outsidi' tilt' town limits: nnd wliut tlir county hns paiil, or is still liiihlc to
IKiy, for tlic construction of roads mid liridn'cs witliiii the limits ol' tin-
town : also all the interest the town has in county projierty outside the
town limits.
A co|)y oi' the a;;re('iiient or award heiii;;' duly \eritied liy atlidavit
shall he transmitted to the Lieuteiiant-tiovernor, who may issue his j)ro-
claiiiation withdrawin;;' the town from the jurisdiction of the canty.
MV I the |iroclamatioii has heeii is.sued tln^ ot'ii'cs of liee\-e and
Deputy l!ee\e of the towii shall ci-ase, and no future liy law of the county
shall have any force in the town except as to care of court- house ami <.;aol
and other county property in the tow n, and tin." town shall not he liahle for
any of till' county delits except the sums ai,n'eed upon or awarded hy the
arbitrators. All the cuuiity property in the town, except roails and 'I'idj^es,
remains county jiroperty.
IK. New Agreement After Five Years. After the lapse of five
years from the time of the separation, or sooner if stateil in the a;freement,
a iicsv arran^icmeiit or a new award may lie maile tixinj^' the amount to lie
paid to the county as its cijuitable share of oxpensea of administration of
justice, etc.
I!>. Town Re-uniting with County. 'I'he Council of a town which
his withdiawn from the county may, after five years from the time of
withdrawal, pass a bydaw to be assented to by the electors to reunite with
the county.
The bydaw has no elfect unless ratified ami confirmed within six
months after the passing thereof liy the Council of the county, or union of
counties, from which the t<iwn had previously withdrawn.
Jiofore the bydaw is contirmed by the C'ounty Council the councils of
the town and county shall determine, either by n<freement or by arbitration,
the amounts of the debts of the town and county, respectively, to be borne
by the county after the re-union and by the town over and above other
county rates, and such other terms and conditions as may be deemed
If the respective councils cannot come to an ai;Teenient within tliree
months after the passa;;e of the bydaw by the town the matter shall be
.settled by arbitration.
JiO. Qualification. The (|ualiticatioiis retiuired for mayor, alderman,
reeve, deputy-reeve, or councillor of aiij^ local municipality are:
1. Residence within the municipality, or within two miles thereof.
2. Must be a natural b.ini, or naturalized subject of Her Majesty.
3. A male, and of the full aj^e of 21 years, and not disipialitied under
the Act.
4. And who has, or wife has, at the time of the election, as