Page 15 - index
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Lint does not includo siieh names, but wlio would liuvo been entitled to vote
in such territory if it had not been added, shall be entitled to vote.
114. Joint Owners or Occupants. In case both owner and occupant
arc rated .severally and not jointly, both shall be deemed to be rated.
Also, when rt'al property is owned or occupied jointly by two or more
persons for sutlicient amount when divided between them to o-ive a (piali-
tication to each, then each shall be deemed to be rated, none of
them shall be deemed so rate(l.
IJ."*. Householder. vVn occupant of a separate pcM-tion of a house,
liavinj;- direct comnnniication with a jmblic street or road by an outer door,
shall iu' deemed a householder.
tiii- Time of Holding Elections for eveiy nninicipality (except
counties) .shall be the first Monda}- in January, when all the members (jf
Coinicil are to be elected, except elected by acclamation, and who
shall hold otHee until their .succes.sors are elected or appointed and sworn
into otHce and the new Council is or<fanized.
The first election in newly erecteil or extended municipalities shall
take place on the first Monday in .lanunry after the .date of the [)roclama-
tion or the passinff of the by-law by which the change is made.
l)e api)ointed by the Council
151 Places for Holding Elections .shn II
from time' to time, by iiy-law, otherwise they will bu held at the place at
which the previous election was held. But no election can be held in a
tavern or other house licensed to sell spirituous or fermented li(|Uors.
When the place fixed by by-law for a polling ])lace is found to be
unattainable or unsuitable, the Clerk may choose in lieu thereof the nearest
.available buililiiig suitable for the ]) and in such case he shall
up, and keep i)o.sted up until the close of tlie ]>oll, a notice on the building
previously fixed by the by-law and in two other conspicuous places near
I)y, directing voters to the phice cho.sen.
liH. Polling Sub-divisions. The Council is reijuired by by-law in
such municipalities as are divided into wards to apj)oint :
L The ])laces for holding tlie nominations for each ward.
?. The returning ofiicers who shall hold the nominations for each ward.
8. The places at which polls shall be opened in case a poll is recjuired.
4. The deputy i-eturning otKcers who shall preside at the respective
polling places.
Ii9. Alteration of Sub-divisions in existing polling sub-divi.sions
must be made before the publication of the Voters' Whenever the
nund)er of <|Ualitied \-oters in a polling sub-division exceeils two hundred,
or the Council considei's it for the convenience of electors, they may make
new sub-divisions.
When the Clerk finds the number of ([Ualified eK"tora in a sub-
divisi(ai exceeds two hundre<l, he shall call the attention of tiie Council to
the fact. The divisions are to be based on the last revised Assessment
The polling sub-divisions nmst be nuudjered con.secutively, and a copy