Page 17 - index
P. 17


      H              IG                 MUNICIPAL LAW.

                        44. Who to Administer.  Tlio Rotmniii<j; Otticoror Diputy Retnniini(
                    Orticor slmll administer the oath or aftiniif.tioii at tiio rt'(| of any candi-
                    date or his autliorizeil a^vnt, and no in(|nirie.s HJiall be made of any voter
                    except to tiie facts specitied in such oaths.

                        4.'». For Mayor, Reeve and Deputy Reeves.  The non)ination of
                    candidates  i'or mayor in cities, mayor, reeve and deputy reeve in towns,
                    shall he htdd on the last Monday in JJeceiiiber amnially at ten o'clock a.m.
                    at the hall of the municipality, and the deputy reeves  tr be designated
                     " First,"  " Second," etc.
                        The Council of any town divided into wards may, by Dy-law, provide
                     that the nomination for councillors for the several wards shall be held at
                     the same time and place as the nomination for mayor, reeve and deputy
                     reeve.  Where no l)y-hnv is j)assed, the nomination of councillors in such
                     town shall take place as state<! in the following Section 4().
                        The C'ierk is to be the Returning Otiicer and preside at thv meeting, and
                     in case of his absence the Council shall appoint a person to preside  : and  if
                     both fail to attend, the electors shall choose a chairman, who shall have all
                     tlie powers of a returning officer.
                        40. For Aldermen.  The nomination for aldermen in cities, coun-
                     cillors in towns,  reeves, deputy reeves and councillors in villages and in
                     townships not divided into wards, shall be at noon on the last ^fonday in
                     December annually at the town hall, or at such place in each ward as may
                     be ti.xed by by-law.
                        41. Nominations at 7 pni.  The councils of cities, towns and villages
                     may, by by-law, tix the time for holding the nominations for mayo'", rrevt,
                     <leputy reeve and aldermen at .seven o'clock in the evening, inst-  •  >/' the
                     hours previously mentioned.
                        4H. Nomination on Christmas Day.  When the last  (>  "ay  in
                     December  is Christmas Day, the nominations are to be held on  .e pre-
                     ceding Friday.
                        49. Elections on New Year's Day.  The councils of cities may, liy
                     by-law, passed before the 1.5th day of September in any year, provide for
                     hohling the nomination for mayor and aldeiMnen on the 20th of December,
                     in which case the polling shall take place on the 1st day of January.  If
                     such datvs fall on Sunday, then on the following day.
                        Six  full days' n(jticc must be given by the Clerk, or other person
                     appointed  to  preside at the nominatiiJii, of the time for the holding of
                     such meeting.
                        50.  Nomination of Candidates.  The persons nominated  to  fill
                     each office must be proposed and seconded (one after another), and .such
                     nomination must be in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder, and
                     must give the full name of the candidate, his residence and occupation.
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