Page 16 - index
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MUNICIPAL  LA\\'.                15
                    of the by-law ecrtitied under seal and sijjjned hy the head or the Clerk of
                    the Council, and must forthwith  l)e tiled in the office of the Clerk of the
                    Peace of the county.
                        An appeal at any time within two months after  tilini^ of the by-law
                    may, at the instance of five electors, be taken to the Jud<re of the County
                    Court, who may correct the sub-divisions and make them conform to the
                    inti'iit of tiie Act.
                        An election is not voidable simply because the  polling;- sub-division
                    contains more than  two  hundred  voters, j)rovided  it does not contain
                    more than three hundred.
                        40. Uniting Two Polling Subdivisions.  In cities of one hundred
                    thousand and over of inliabitants the Council may, for school and municipal
                    elections, and upon (piestions submitted  to  tlie  electors, amal<;amate two
                    poUiny sub-ilivi.sions into one with one polliufif place therefor.  It may also
                    provide that tliree or less poliino' places shall be a Public School house or
                    otlier j)ublic bnildino- belon^-ino' to or controlled by the numicipality.
                        The consent of the  Pul)lic School Board must first be obtaineil, and a
                    .sufficient sum nuist be ])aid such School  Hoar<l to cover any damage done
                    and expense for cleaning,'.
                        41. Clerk to be Returning Officer.  The Clerk of the Municipality
                    .shall be Hcturiiing ()tlici-r for the whole municipality, and the deputies shall
                    make returns to liim from the several wards.
                        In nnniicipalities not divided into wards the Clerk will perform all the
                    duties assigned to <leputies.
                        4'i- Deputy Returning Officer for any ward refusing or neglecting
                    to attend at the  tiiiii.' and place to receive his instructions ami nonnnation
                    papers, or voters'  list and other election papers, the Clerk  shall appoint
                    another pei'son tf> act in his place, and the person so appointed shall have
                    the same powers as though appointed by by-law.
                        Also, if no person has been appointed as Di^puty Returning Officer, or
                     having been appjinted, has died or neglects to atten<l to hold the nomina-
                     tion or poll, within (jne hour after the time appointed the electors present
                     may choose from among themselves a de])uty returning officer, and such
                    officer shall liave all the powei- and shall perform all the duties as though
                     he were appointed by the Clerk or bj' by-law of Council.  In case the
                     I'eturnintf offieei' or a tleputv returnin":' officer duriiiif the pollins'' becomes,
                     through illness or other cause, unable to perfoi'm his duties, the Poll Clerk
                     will act in his^ idace.
                        Every returning officer or <leputy returning officer during the election
                     shall have all the pow<'rs of a justice of the peace, and may swear in specii  1
                     constables if nece.ssary to jjreserve the peace.
                        411. The Oath.  The only oath or affirmation to be rocpiired of a
                     person claiming to vote as a freeholder  is that prescribed by Section 112
                     R. S. 0., 1897  : and for tenant that of Section 113  ; and of income. Section
                     114: and of farmer's son. Section 115.
                        The voter may select any form of oath given in those sections respect-
                     ively.       ^  _
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