Page 9 - index
P. 9
« MrMCIl'AI- [.AW.
i:(. Petitioning for Annexation. II'm |)ftitioii, siyiifd li.y l.')() duly
i|iiiiliticil nmiiiciiiiil clcetor.s of any town or villiii^n' i,s pi'('sciit<!<l to tim
CJomic'il of .siicli town or villa;,'!', a.skiu^f that a by-law be siibiiiittoil for tho
Jiiiiifxatioii of such town or village to an ailjact'iit villa^^'c, town or cit}',
ritlicr inicoinlitiMnally or u|)on tcrni.s .scl out in sai<i petition, tho Council
shall fordiwith i)n'|)iiiv' a liy-law in acconlance wiwi the prayer of the
petition, and sul)niit tho same to the electors for approval within four
weeks after the receipt of the petition. Such by-law, if approved l)y the
<'lectors, must within one month thei-eafter be adopted iiy (,'ouncil.
'I'lie Council of such adjacent villaife, town or city may, by resolution,
assent to annexation. The annexation may then bo carried into etibct by
|)roclamation of the Iiientenant-(Io\-ernor in Council.
14. Village Becoming Unincorporated. In case an incorporated
xilia^e desires to become unincorporated and the Villain- Council passes a
lesohition by a two-thinis vote in favor of unincor[ioi'ation, which also
receives the assent of the electors entitled to vote, tho Lieutenant-Ciovornor
in Council may, by ](roelamation, annul the iiicoi'porati<ai ami ainiex the
tei'ritory to one or more of the adjoining,'" nnudcipalities, providinjj such
muniei])alities pais resolutions ap])rovine' the same. ])ebts and assets
jnu-t be arranged as agreed upon by the vaiious municipalities intoreste(l,
or determini'd liy arbitration.
1.%. Reducing Areas of Corporation. Tlie County Council of any
<'ounty or union of counties, upon the petition of any villa^'o or town not
separated fnan tho county, haviuf; a po])ulation by tho last nuuiicipal
eninnei'ation n(jt exceeding two thousand, and whoso outstanding obliijfa-
tions and debts do not exceed iloul)le tin- net amount of the last yearly-
rate levied an<l collected therein, may in their discreti(jii, by by-law, reduce
tho area of the villa^'e or town by excluding therefrom lands used wholly
f(a' farndni:' ])urposes, and such lands shall bec(aiie part of tho township cr
townships designated in the l)y-law.
I<». Number of Wards. No town or city nuist have less tiian three
wards, and no ward less than five hundre<l inhaliitants. In case two-thirds
<if the Council in Coiuicil a.ssembled liefore the loth dayof .Iidy in any year
])ass a resolution foi' a new division of wards, or additional territory to be
includeil in the corporation, ap])Iication may be niailo to the Lioutonant-
(jrovernor in Council for the .same, upcai .such conditions as to taxation, or, as the Ijieutenant-Goveruor in Council may a,s.sent to.
If the new tract of land .so attached to a town bolonj^red previously to
anothei' county, it will in future for all belong to the same comity
as the rest of the town.
II. Town Withdrawing from County. A town may withdraw
from the jurisdiction of a comity with which it is connected by the passinjf
of a by-law to that efi'oct by the Ctmncil of tho town, and which receives
till' sanction of the electors.
The amount to be paid by the town to the county for the expense of
the admini.stration of justice, use of the jraol, erection and maintenance of
the registry office, etc., if not agreed upon, shall be doterniined by arbi-
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