Page 18 - index
P. 18
If only one canilidate is proposed for any particular uffico, tlic Clerk
or other retin-nin;,' otticer shall, after the lapse of one hour, declare such
candidate duly elected for that office.
51. Poll to be Held. If more candidates are nominated than are
recpiired to he elected, the Clerk or other returnino; officer shall a<ljourn the
])roccedin<;s until the first Monday in January, when a poll or polls .shall
Ih! opened in each ward or polling sub-division, at the place or places fixed
by the by-law, from the hour.'- of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and no lon<.;er. (See
Section 58 as to Resij;nation.s.)
is provided that in cities of over
By an amendment pa.ssed in 1898, it
100,000 inhabitants, the Council may, by by-law, pa.ssed before the 15th
day of Novendjer in any year, extend the time for holding' the elections
until 7 o'clock p.m. and no lonj^er.
The votinjjf shall be by ballot.
ii'i. Posting Names of Candidates, 'i'he Clerk or other rotiu-ninff
otKcer shall, on the day of the nomination, post up in the office of the
Clerk the names of the persons proposed for the respective offices.
51$. Resignations. Persons nominated for one or more offices may
at the nomination meetinjf or on the following day, or when such last
named day is a holiday, then before twelve o'clock noon of the succeeding
day, resign, or elect for which office he will remain nominated ; and in
default he is deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was
first nominated.
The resignation after the nomination meeting .shall be in writing,
signed by him and attested by a witness, aad delivered to the (.'lerk within
the time specified.
54. Election by Acclamation- If, by rea.son of resignations, the
number of candidates does not exceed the number required, then the
lGVL, Clerk or other returning officer shall declare such remaining candidates
the iluly elected to such offices.
55. When Full Council is Not Elected. In case the candidates, or
any of tliem, retire, and by rea.son of such retiiement the reiiuisite number
of persons is not elected, then the members elected (or a majority of then\),
if they e(pial or exceed half the full Council re(]uired, shall order a new
election to be hM to till the vacancies.
may, by
iile for 54ยป. New Election. If, by reason of the retirements, less than half
ccmbor, the members of Council are elected, the Clerk shall cause a new election to
iry. If be held ; and until such electicm is held and the Council elected, the Council
of the preceding year shall continue in office and perform all the acts which
a Council elected for that year n\ight lawfully do.
51. List of Tax Defaulters. On or before the last Monday in
December the trea,surer of each local municipality shall, if the collector's
roll has been returned to him, prepare and verify on oath (or if the collec-
tor's roll has not been so returned, the collector shall prepare and verify on
oath) a correct alphabetical list of: