Page 8 - index
P. 8


                      The town  beiuj;' mooted  into  ii city simll pay to the county of vvhicli
                  it forms a part, siicii portion, if any, of the ih'btH of the county aw iw jiiht:
                  or afrroe as to tiu^ amount to  t)t,'  ])aiil with  interest from  tiie time of the
                  erection  of  tiie new  city.  In case of disfiereenient, the same  shull bo
                  'letermined liy arliitration, and upon tlic (.'ouncil ))rovin^f totiie liieutciant-'
                  (lovernor in Council tlie payment, a<frcement or arbitration, the Lientjjnant-
                  < iovenior may,  l)y  [)roclamation, erect the town into a city l)y the name
   hrs            ;j;iven in the jiroclamation.
                      ii. Area of Corporation-  An incorporatnl viliaev, the p(/pnl!itii)n of
                  which  ihies  lint exceed one th(jusand, nnist not contain  nujre  tlian five
                  iuindi'e(l iicres of hind.
                      A town or  \ illaee, the poj)uiation of wliich exceeds one thousfind, can
                  (jiUy increase its area in the proportion of two liundred acres to eacii addi-
                  tional out; tliousand inhabitants.
                      10. Addition to Village Boundaries.  The l)oundaries of an incor-
                  porated village may ije enlar;;ed Ijy piitition to the Jjieutenant-Ciovernor in
                  Council.  But they catuiot be oidarged unles,s the po})ulation, includiufr the
                  area to be ainiexed, etpials wdiat would be rerpiired  for iui^orporation at
                  first.  In recl<onin<r the population and area for the of extension
                  the land occupieil liy .streets and public S(|uares may be excluded in esti-
                  mating the area of the town or \illa<;e.
                      11. Extension of City or Town.  In case two-thirds of tlie mcmboi-s
                  of tl\e Council of a city or town do, in Council, before the l.)th day of July
                  in any year, pass a resolution  atiii'inini;'  tiie expediency of the a<ldition to
                  the limits of the corporation, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, by
                  proclamation, and on such terms as to taxation, assessment, improvements
   if a
                  etc., as to him seems eijui able and the Council of the city or town may
                  consent to, add to the  coi pijration any part of the adjacent township or
                  townships that is con.sidered desiral)le.
                      Where the land so attached to the city or town  formi.'rly belc,.iged to
                  another county, it will in future belone- to the .same county as the rest ot'
                  the city or town.
                      I'i. Annexation of Villages or Towns,  'ncase the Council of any
                  villajfe or town pass a resolution faxorino; tlie an exation of said villaee or
                  town  to an adjacent  village, town, or city, and whicii  is appnned hy a
                  majority of the freeholders and leaseholders, whose lease extends over  tf
                  period of not less than five years from the date when the vote  is taken,
                  ami in case the .Municipal Council of the villaj^'e, town or city to which  it is
                  to be annoxt'd passes a  similar resolution, the Lieutenant-Covernor  iii
                  Council may, by proclamation, annex the one municipality to the other
                  upon such terms as may ha\e been ai;ree<l upon or awarded.
                      In case the population admits, the Lieutenant-Governor may, by the
                  .same proclamation, erect the village into a town, or the town into a city,
                  as the case may be, by a name given thereto, and may also divide or
                  re-divide the same into wards.
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