Page 121 - index
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                                      LE  BULLETIN  DES  RECHERCHES  HISTORIQUE8
                                                Vol.  XXIV  page  105
                                  La  fondat,ion de la  TRINITY-HOUBE,  cn Angleterre,
                                remonte  B  1515.  Son  fondzteur  ou  organisateur  fut sir
                                Thomas Spert, cont,rbleur de la marine,  commandant  du
                                grand  navire  HENRI  GRACE  DE  DI~U.
                                  La  TRINITP-HOUSE  était  composée  d'un  maftre
                                (ma~tei.), de quatre gardiens (mrdens), de huit assistants
                                (assistantsj et de dix-huit :~riciens frères (elder brcthren).
                                Les membres de la TRINITY-HOUBE étaient choisis par-
                                mi les capitaines de la niarine  de guerre ou  de la marfne
                                  Les pouvoirs de 1;~ TRISITY-HOCSE étaient nombreux:
                                  L'EKCYCLOPEDIA  RRITAKXICA les résume ainsi :
                                  "They  examinc  the  matheinatical  children  of  Christ's
                                hospital,  and  the ~~lr'tsters of  his  Majesty's  ships;  they
                                appoint pilots for the river Thames, settle the general rates
                                of  pilotages; erect light houses and sea marks; giant licences
                                to poor seamen, not free of  the city, to rour on the Thames;
                                prevent foreigners from serving on board our  ships with-
                                out licence; punish seamen for mutiny and desertiou; hem
                                and determine compIaints of officers and men in the mer-
                                chants service,but liable to appeal to the judge of thecourt
                                of Admiralty;  superintend the deepening and clennsing of
                                the river Thames, and have under their juridiction  the hal-
                                last office; have powem to buy land, and receive donations
                                for charitable  uses;  and in consequencc, relieve annually
                                many thousrtnds of poor seamen, their widon.s and orphans,
                                  La  Corporntion  Ptait  connue B l'origine  sous le titre de
                                "The master, wardena and assistants of  the guild or frater-
                                nity of  the inost and gloriuus and undivided  Trinity".  ('1

                                   (*)  Le Premier hlinistre de  la  Grande-Bretagne  est,  de  droir,
                                Membre de 1s "Truu'ty Hause" et en rev&t l'uniforme  dans les  dé-
                                montrati~ns officieiios.  (J. C. P.)
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