Page 55 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 55

PIFTlI  ANNUAL  REPORT.             53
                             Additions  froat  Ui'storicul  and  Learned  Societies,  and
                               We have received,  during the year, the additional publications
                             of  the Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina
                             Historical  Societies, 20 volumes  of  Tra~mactions of  tho London
                             Statistical Society, and 2 volumes  of  Transactions of  the Leeds
                             Philosophical  and  Literary  Society.  From the State Depart-
                             ment,  IVashington,  the  State  of  Massachusetts,  the  Statc  of
                             New Pork, Harrnrd College, the library of  Congress, the Phil-
                             adelphia Library,  and the Parliarnent Library of Upper Canada,
                             valuable donations have been received.

                                         International Literary Xxchanges.
                               Several cases of  books have  been  reccived  from  M. VATTE-
                             MARE  as  the first under the  system  of  International Literary
                             Exchanges.  By ordcr of  the  Governor,they  were  divided, the
                             historical and narrative  portion being  assigned  to  the Society,
                             and other portions to thc State Library, and the State Agricul-
                             tural Society.  The  Society's  portion  numbered 231 volumes,
                             77  pamphlets,  and  90  maps,  plates  and  engravings;  of  the
                             volumes 24 were folios,  and 30 quartos-94  historical,  55 scien-
                             tific, 19 industrial, 25 laws and legislation, and 38 miscellaneous.
                             Among the hiutorical were four  volurnes  of  the  original edition
                             of  tlie Jesuit Ilelations-almost   priceless in value.  Nearly all
                             these works are valuable for their European statistics and infor-
                             mation,  and form together an interesting addition to our Library.
                                                 Newspaper  Tiles.
                               Besides thc large number of  papers sent gratuitously by their
                             publishers to  the Society, nnd which  arc carefully prescrvcd for
                             binding,  the  follomjng  unbound  files  have  been  presented  to   a
                             the Society:  Vermont Preeman,  8 vols. from ELI DUTTON; N.
                             Y. Times,  from  Oct. 1853 to July, 1856, nearly complete,from
                              Prof. J. C. PICKARD; New London,  Waupaca,  Register, from
                             A. L.  LAWSON. Atur,ri.r Noarox, Esq.,  has  most  gcnerously
                              promised a file of the fiationnl lntelligencer, in good condition,
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