Page 57 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 57

PIFTII  ANXUAL  REPORT.             65

                                tho Que'bec  Expedition of  1775, of  which only 100 copies were
                                privately printed.
                                                   Autograph  Letters.
                                  During the year, three manuscript lctters of  Gtcphen  Girard,
                                written  in 1800,  and  1811,  onc  of  Gov.  Francis  R.  Sliunk,
                                of  Penn.,  1841,  anrl  of  IIon.  S.  L.  Southard,  1826,  from
                                Dr.  JOHN CUILIVEN; of  Lord  Napier,  and Gen. J. E. Wool,
                                from  V.  W.  ROTII; of  Earl Derby,  i;.oebuck,  Hume ant1 other
                                English  notables,  from  Col.  A.  :YI<LLIB  ;TON  HART; a  large
                                number of  American  statcsmen,  Clay, Webstcr,  R. '11.  John-
                                son and others, fro~n \I'M. DROTIIERIIEAD. A  f:~c-simile letter
                                of  Gen.  Washington, from IIon.  A.  11. VANWIE.
                                            Manuscrkt IIistorical  Narratires.
                                  Col. EBENEZER CIIILDS, who came to Wisconsin in the spring
                                of  1820, and  now  the  oldcst  surviving  American  settler, has
                                furnished  his  narrative  of  reminiscences  OF thirty-eight years'
                                recollections,  in  35 pages;  JOHN IT.  FONDA, of  Prairie du
                                Chien,  his  narrative  OF  reminiscences  of  the  Winnebago  and
                                Blnck Hawk wars, and  anterior events;  IIon.  JOIIN I.LNGS-
                                TOW'S  reminiscences  OF  JVisconsin  sinco  1834;  STRANGE
                                PALMER'S 1836;  17 Letters on the  political history  of  Wis-
                          -     consin, by Hon.  JOIIN SMITH; 325  11s. letters of  the  late
                                IIon.  Thomas  P.  Burnett,  relating  to  early public  evcnts in
                                Wisconsin,  from Rev. A.  CRUSSOX; and brief  statements rcla-
                                tivc to mounds and  turnuli-in   Richlt~nd county,  by Rev.  AN-
                                DREW UENTOX-in  Green Laltc county, by  J.  V.  SWISTTINO-
                                in  Beloit  and  vicinity,  by  E.  F.  HOBA~IT-in and  around
                                Whitewater,  by  Rev.  11.  0. ~IONTAGUE- Muscoda, by
                                A.  J. RICHARDS.
                                                Additions  to the Cabinet.
                                  AN  ANCIENT GUN.-Presented  by  Pn~sco.r~ I~EIGEAM.
                                This gun was the  propcrty of  Jolln  Prcscott,  and was  brought
                                by liim from L~ncashire, Engl~lnd, who went first to Earbndoes,
                                and owned land  thcre in lli38, and came to New England about
                                1640.  In 1645,  Sholan,  the  Indian  proprietor  of  Nashawog,
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