Page 59 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 59

FIFTH  ANNUAL  REPORT.              57

                                 the Thistle, or ICni,qhts of  St. Andrew, was,  according to some
                                 writers,  instituted by Achaius, Icing of  Scots, in memory  of  an
                                 appearance  in  the heavens of  a  bright  cross,  resembling that
                                 whereon  St. Andrew  suffered  martyrdom,  seen by Achaius the
                                 night before he  gained a victory over Athelstan, King  of  Eng-
                                 land,  in  the  tenth  century.  This  order  after  having  much
                                 declined, was  revived  by  James I1  of  England,  in 1687,  and
                                 again by Queen Anne, in 1703.  This ancient flag of  the Thistle
                                 Order could not have been borne aloft during the  Scotch  rebel-
                                 lion  of  1715, as  it  bears  date  focr  years  later;  but  it is the
                                 distinct tradition of  the family through which it has been handed
                                 down, that  it  mas  used  in  the  mcnlorable  Scotch  rebellion  of
                                 1745, and was in the fatal defeat of  Prince Charlie at Culloden:
                                 soon  after  which,  its  early  possessor,  the  Clarkson  family,
                                 migrated to New  England,  bringing this  interesting  relic  with
                                 them.  It was presented to  the  Society by  JOIIN LIYBERT, of
                                 Ceresco,  who obtained it from  Capt.  CLARI~SON of  that place,  a
                                 lineal descendant of  its original owner.
                                   AN ORIBINAL DEED OB  W&I. PENN.--An   original parchment
                                 deed from  William  Penn  to Henry  Litchfield,  dated  July 24,
                                 1682, the  next  year  after the  settlement  of  Pennsylvania, for
                                 five  hundred  acres  of  land in  the  Province  of  Pensilvania-
                                 such is the ancient orthography,  froin  THOMAS I)UNCAN SMITH,
                                 Philadelphia, son of  Gen.  WM. R. J~MITIT.
                                   FAC-SIMTT~E RELIC OF CIIARLES I.-An   interesting fac-simile
                                 engraving of  the death-warrant of  Charles I, with  all the signa-
                                 tures  of  the  Parliament  who  condcmncd  him;  from  Cd.
                                 A.  WELLINGTON HART.
                                   A PARDON INDIANS.-The  original pardon of  two Indians
                                 sentenced  to  be  hung  by  Judge  DOTY at Prairie  du  Chien in
                                 1828, signed by John  Quincy Adams as  President,  and Henry
                                 Clay as Secretary of  State, from Gen. WM. R.  SMITE.
                                   ANCIENT PARCHMENT MS.-Two        slips  of  ancient  MS.
                                 parchment, found as a part of  the filling of  the original binding
                                 of  an old book  printed  in  London,  in  1640,  and was probably
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