Page 50 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 50


                                        The works,  under the first  classification,  on  history  anti its
                                      cognate  subjects,  are  steadily  gaining  on  the  other  classes,
                                      About half  of  the  donations  are  of  this  character,  and all of
                                      the purchases;  and  it may further  be added  in this connection,
                                      that of  all the purchases since there-organization of  the Society,
                                      in  January,  1854,  there have  not  probably  been  more  than
                                      half a dozen volumes other than those of  an historical character.
                                        Of  the  additions the past year,  50 volumes were  folios,  and
                                      56  quartos;  making  altogether  in  the  Library 305  folios, and
                                      461 quartos, the rest being chiefly of  octavo  size.  This shows
                                      that  over  one-sevcnth  of  the  whole  Library  is  composed  of
                                      worlrs of  folio and  quarto  size, which  is probably  a large gro-
                                      portion for any public or private Library.
                                                     Principal  S%rks  Purchased.
                                        Beside many single works on American history, the following
                                      have been  added to the Library  the past year by purchase, via:
                                      Sparks'  American  Biography,  2d  series,  15 vols.,  Sparks'
                                      Washington  '62  vols.,  Sparks' Franklin  10  vols.,  IIildreth's
                                      Hist. U.  S.  6 vols.,  Cetlin's  American  Indians 2 vols.,  Buck-
                                      ingham's America 9 vols.,  Burk's Hist. of  Virginia 4 vols.,  the
                                      Casket 10 vols.,  the Port Folio  20 vols.,  Political Magazine 19
                                      vols, Louisiana Historical Collections 5 vols.,  Trumbull's  Hist.
                                      Conn.  2  vols.,  Dwight's  Travels  4  vols.,  Cobbett's  works 13
                                      vols.,  Featherstonhaugh's  Canoe  Voyage  2  vols.,  Military
                                      Chronicle 6 vols.,  Warden's  America 3  vols.,  Book  of  Family
                                      Creste  2  vols.,  and  British  Monthly  Review,  1749  to  1828
                                      complete, 203 vols.,  partly by purchase and partly by exchange.
                                                 Principal  Works added  by Donation.
                                        Voltaire's  Works,  72  vols.,  Rousseau's  Works  8  vols.,
                                      Roger's  North  America,  1765, and  Le Beau's  Adventures in
                                      America, 1728, from Stephen Taylor;  Transactions of  the Sta-
                                      tistical  Society, London, 20 vols.,  full  set,  from  the  Society;
                                      Ladies'  Book, 1839-'43,   and Brother Jonathan, 1842-'43,15
                                      vols.,  from  CHARLES B.  NORTON; American  Journal of  Insan-
                                      ity, full set, unbound,  14 vols.,  from Drs. J. P. GRAY, and  E.
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