Page 54 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 54
works. Tho Society has not, until the past year, purchased
any of this very desirable class of morlts. We have now 47
volumes on Bibliography, besides a large number of pamplilet
catalogues-26 of which mere added the past year, embracing
the most important part of the collection, and of these 20,
eleven were purchased. Thc following is the list complete:
LoGnde's Bibliographer's Manua,l, - 4 vola.
Rich's Bibliothecs Americana, 1500 to 1844, - g (6
Roorbach's 3ibliotheca Americans, - 3"
Brunet's Library Rliznual, 2 "
Bohn's Catalogues, - 3"
Debritt's Bibliotheca Americana, 1789, - 1"
Hodgson's Classified Index of London books, 1816-'51,l "
Ludemig's Literature of American Lopal history, - 1
Ludemig's Literature of American Aboriginal Languages, 1 "
Trubner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature, 1 "
Bibliotheca Americana Septentrionalis, 1820, - 1 "
Lumley's Bibliographical Advertiser, 1846-'47, 1 "
Jemett's Notices of Public Libraries in U. S., - 1"
Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, - 1 "
Guild's Librarian's Manual, - 1"
Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books, - 1 "
Catalogue of American Antiquarian Society, - 1"
Catalogue of Library of Congress, 3 "
Catalogue of Parliament Library of Upper Canado, 2
Catalogue of New',York State Library, - 3"
Catalogue of Massachusetts State Library, - - 1"
Catalogue of Astor Library, - 2 "
Catalogue of P hiladelphia Library Company, - 2 "
Catrtlogue of Harvard College Library, - 6 "
Cstaloguo of Bromn University Library, - 1 "
Catalogue of Boston Athenzeum Library, 1827, - 1 ''
Catalogue of Young Men's Association, Albany, 1"
Total, - - 48 vole,