Page 58 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 58


                                      offered to  him  and  other  persons  a  tract  of  land  ten  miles in
                                      length, which was accepted, and the General Court subsequently
                                      confirmed the  deed.  The  town  was  named  Lancaster,  in the
                                      present  county  of  Worcester,  Massachusetts.  (Tohn Prescott
                                      had occasion to use  this gun during Icing Phillip's  Indian  War
                                      of  1675.  On  one  occasion,  as  tradition  has it,  a  number  of
                                      Indians made their appearance at Prescott's old mill, hoisted the
                                      water-gate,  when  Prescott  took  this  gun, heavily loaded,  and
                                      started towards  the  mill, when  the  Indians  retired to the hills
                                      close by; .Prescott having fixed the  mill, thought  it  prudent  to
                                      retrace his steps, but did so  backwards,  with his eye  upon  the
                                      foe, until he reached his house, when the Indians raised a whoop,
                                      when Prescott  concluded to  give them  a  specimen of  his gun-
                                      manship;  and as he shot, they scampered off.  Afterwards visit-
                                      ing the spot mhere the Indians were when he shot at them, blood
                                      was found upon the ground.  The Indians  ever after kept clear
                                      of  the Prescott neighborhood.  Mr.  Prescott had at least seven
                                      children;  and anlong them was Hon. Benj. Prescott, the father of
                                      Col.  Wm.  Prescott,  who commanded at Bunker Hill, and gr~nd-
                                      father of  Judge Wm. Prescott, of  Boston, and great grandfather
                                      of Wm. H. Prescott, the historian.  The old gun in question was
                                      given by Prescott to his daughter Tabitha, wife of  Silas Brigham,
                                      who in licr old age  gave it  to her  grandson  Prescott  Brigham,
                                      born in 1780, nom a resident of Sauk county, Wisconsin,  and by
                                      him  prcsented to  the  Society.  Prescott  Brigham  is  the elder
                                      brother of  the pioneer settler  of  Dane  county,  Col.  Ebenezer
                                      Brigham, of  Blue Mounds.
                                        RELICS  OF TIIE  BLACK HATVK War.--A   rifle  barrel,  and a
                                      bsyonet, found on  or near the Bad  Ax battle ground, presentedi.
                                      by BENJAMIN RODGERS and family, who found them.
                                        A  RELIC OP TIIE  SCOTCH REBELLION.--A  portion  of  an
                                      old red silk flag, bearing  date in gilt  figure^  1719, with thc Latin
                                      motto, Nemo me impune  Eacessit-No   ONE  PROVOI~ES ME  WITS
                                      IMPUNITY; with  the Scotch  thi~ltle, in gilt, also  yet  remaining.
                                      This was the motto  of  the ancient Order  oT  the Thistle, to  the
                                      rough naturc of  which it has significant allusion.  The Order af
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