Page 53 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 53

PIBTH  ANNUAL  REPORT.               5 1
                                Their titles, the  periods  to which  they  relate,  and  thc manner
                                of  their          are as follows:
                                Maryland Gazette, 1760-67,  purchased,   -   -   3 vols.
                                St. James'  Chronicle, 1774-'78   "  -           1  "
                                Jamaica Royal Gazette, 1782,    (6          -    1"
                                Philadelphia IIinerva, 1795-'98,   'i  -         1  "
                                Phi1:t.  Am.  Advertiser, 1797,   (L        -    1  ‘6
                                Dessert to the True Americnn, 1798 "  -          1  "
                                I'hiladel~hia Aurora, 1800,    ic           -    1“
                                National Intclligencer,  1806-'9,    -           2   "
                                Boston Weekly Messenger, 1517-'18,  gift of Mrs. ROCK-
                                  WOOD,  -                                       1"
                                New York American,  1824-31,  purchased,   -   -   8   '6
                                New York Herald, 1830,         .td    -          I   "
                                Alexander's  Weekly  Messenger,  2844-48,   gift  of  S.
                                  COWLBS,  -                                     2   "
                                N.  Y. Daily Tribune, 1858, gift of  R. TOWNSEND,   2"
                                N.  Y. Daily Times, 1853-'54,       do.     -    4 "

                                            Total,   -                       -  29 VO~S.
                                  The total number of  bound newspaper files now in the Library
                                is 869-no  part of  our collection is  more valuable for purposes
                                of  llistoric research,  or more  interesting  to  the curious reader.
                                We  have  also  quite a  number  of  unbound  newspaper  files,
                                which me  hope to have bound during the ensuing ycar.
                                                 Works 0% Bibliography.

                                  There can be nothing  more  useful to a  peblic  library than B
                                proper  collection  of  works  on  Ribliograpliy.  They give us a
                                history or  account of  books,  notices  of  different  editions,  the
                                tirnes when  they were printed, $he best editions, ancl other infor-
                                mation  tending  to  illustrato  the  history  of  literature,  and
                                frequently adding the prices which  rare worlts have obtained at
                                public sales, together  with  their  market value as  indicated by
                                prioed catalogues.  They serve to a public library as an invalu-
                                able guide in the purchase of  all except the most recently printed
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