Page 60 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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                                      part  of  some  ancient  work  which  the  discovery  of  printing'
                                      brought into disuse, and was hence cut  up and used for binding
                                      purposes;  presented by C.  C.  BRITT, of  Portage City.
                                        AN OLD EN(IRAVINQ.-A~ engraved  vicw  of  Philadelphia,
                                      about  the  year  1760,  when  it  contained  a  population  of  only
                                      about 18,000 persons;  presented by Dr. JOHN CURWEN.
                                        A  SERMON THE  OLDEN TIME.-A      MS.  sermon delivered
                                      by Rev. Dr. Edward Bass, first Episcopal Bishop of  Massachu-
                                      setts, at three different times, as the endorsements upon it show,
                                      once  on  Continental  Fast  Day,  May  17,  1776; presented by
                                      Rev. J. B. BRITTON.
                                        AN EARLY PASSPORT.-T~~ original passport of  the schooner
                                      Nancy from Alexandria,  Va., to the West Indies, in Dec.  1793,
                                      signed by Washington as President, and  Jefferson as Secretary
                                      of  State.
                                        A  CHARTER OAK RELIC.-A  leaf  from  the famous Charter
                                      Oak,  plucked  the  day  the  tree  fell;  presented  by  W.  H.
                                        A RELIC OF  Mrs. ALEXANDER HA~~ILTON.--TWO sleigh bells,
                                      from a,  string presented  by the  late  venerable  widow of  Alex-
                                      ander Hamilton, to her  son  the late Col.  Wm.  S. Hamilton,  of
                                      this State, in 1839;  from WM. MAYNE, of  Wiota.
                                        AN  OLD LOCK.-An  old iron lock, found in a small mound at
                                      Fond du Lac,  where was a trading-post in the latter part of  the
                                      past century;  presented by ROYAL BUCK.
                                        AN OLD INDIAN EPAULETTE.-An old  epaulette-one      of
                                      a large number  early  presented  to the  Indians  around  Detroit
                                      soon  after  the  war  of  1812,  to  give  them  consequence  and
                                      attach  them to the  American  cause;  presented to  S.  L.  Rood
                                      by  an  old  Frenchman, an  early  resident  at  Detroit,  and  pre-
                                      sented by Mr.  Rood, through W. H. Watson, to the Society.
                                         INDIAN RELICS.-A  curious  copper  axe  or  hatchet,  about
                                       two inches wide by four in length, found near the shore of  Lake
                                       Monona,  in  Madison,  while  digging  a rcellar;  prescnted  by
                                       HENRY E.  GRAY, son of  Neeley  Gray, of  Madison.  An Indian
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