Page 56 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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                                        from its commencement to  1850, in  some  forty volumes, which
                                        will prove a truly valuable.addition  to tlio Library.
                                                        Unbotmd old  Newspapers,  kc.
                                          A lot of  50 olrl Almanacs, from 1776 to 1823,  41 numbora  of
                                        tho Poughlteepsie  Journal,  1793-94,  and 9 old papers, 1795-
                                        1804, purchased;  London  Magazine, July, 1759, from BIrs.  D.
                                         S.  CURTISS; Sussex  Advertiser,  Feb. 20,  1769, and  National
                                        Intelligencer, Nov.  17, 1800, from  J. S. BUCK; Pennsylvania
                                         Evening Post, April 9,  1779, from Dr. JOHN CURWEN; Indepen-
                                         dent Ledger, s Boston papcr, R9y 10,1779, from J. R. BATES;
                                         Lockport  Courier, .April 7, 1831, from  IIon. D.  J. POWERS; a
                                        fac-simile re-print of  Poor  Richard's  Almanac, for  1733, from
                                        Dr.  S. COMPTOX SMITII.

                                                            Maps  and Charts.
                                           A  copy  of  Findley'e  Modern  Atlas,  bound,  from  P.  G).
                                         TIBBITS; Map of  Wisconsin  in  1836,  from  D.  S. DUBRIE; a
                                         a map of  Wisconsin Land District,  1838, from STEPIIEN TAY-
                                         LOR;  and 30 maps and charts, mostly of  the Lakee and IIarbors
                                         of  tlie North West, from Lt.  Col.  J. D. GRAHAM, U.  S. Army;
                                         and an ancient map of  Rome, purchased at the Vatican, presen-
                                         ted by  Dr.  8. COMPTOY SJII~U. We have now  altogether 17
                                         bound volumes of  Atlases,  and  over 82 separate maps; the most
                                         of  which nro rare and valuable.
                                                         Pamphlets and Documents.

                                           Tho pamphlet additions the past year amount, in round nnm-
                                         bers, to five hundred-malting   the total  number 4,700.  When
                                         these are properly arranged and bound, they mill form a valuablo
                                         and intercsting  addition  to tho Library.  Among the principal
                                         donors  the  past  ycar  of  pamphlets  and  documents,  are  Dr.
                                         EDWARD  JARVIS 113, A. VATTEMARE 77, Dr.  S. KNEELAND,
                                         Jr. 61, 8. 11.  CARPEN~ER 39,  8. A.  GREENE 17, L.  C.  Dna-
                                         PER 14, D. S.  DURHIB 12. Astor  Library 9.
                                           It  map be added, that one of  these pamphlets is on Wheelock'a
                                         Indian  Charity  Scliool, 1775; another  ie  Melvin's  JournaI on
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