Page 226 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 226

Broad  Swoxd - The  double  edged
                              sword  of  the  17th  and  18th  cen-
                              turies,  the  guard  of  which  was
                              formed  by  a  basket  of  open  iron
                              work which enclosed the entire grip.
                              Brocas  Helm  - One  of  the  tiiting
                              helrns  to  be  seen  in  the  tower  of
                              London  amouries.  It  dates  from
                              circa  1500  and  is  considered  by
                              many  to  be  one  of  the  finest
                                        survjving.  It  weighs
                              22+1bs. and  still possesses  the  origi-
                              nal  staples  and  locking  bars  both  Bde - A  type  of  Ieather  jerkin
                              back and front for fastening jt  down  covered  on  the  outside  by  overlap-
                              securely  on  the  shoulder and  chest,  ping  plates  of  iron,  copper  and  in
                                                               inforced  jacket  originated  during
                              Bronze - A metal much used by the
                                                               the Roman era  and was noteworthy
                              early Egyptian warriors. It was used
                                                               for  the  Aexibility  of  movement  jt
                              to  make  helrnets,  breast  and  back
                                                               allowed,  at  the  same  time  offering
                              plates  and  the  early  type  of
                                                               ample  2rotection  from  sword  cuts,
                                                               spear thrusts and even arrows. Dur-
                                Bronze  was  also  used  in  connec-
                                                               ing the Nonnan  era the  same name
                              tion  with  weapons  for  the  heads  of
                                                               was  given  to the jacket  constructed
                              spears  and  for  swords,  though  the
                                                               completely  of  mail.
                              latter were shorter in Iength and had
                                                                 It is  interesting to note that in the
                              to be  used  purely  for thrusting  as a
                                                               scenes of  the  Battle  of Hastings  on
                              slash  with  a  bronze  sword  would
                                                               the Bayeaux  tapestry  the horse and
                              have broken  it.
                                                               foot soldiers  are  both  shown  wear-
                                                               ing  the  burnie.
                              Buckler - A small round shield used
                              for fighting on  foot.
                              Buff  Coat  - A  stout  leather  coat
                              with deep  skirts,  originally made  of
                              buffalo  hide  to  which  various
                              armoured accessories were strapped.   some  cases  hom.  This  forrn  of  re-
                              During the  17th century  these coats   Cabacete  or  cabasset - A  type  of
                              replaced  the  arming doublet.   light helmet  worn by the Spaniards.
                                                               It  consisted  of  a  ta11  narrow  piece
                              Buffe  - A  kind  of  beaver  used  as  with  a  turned  down brim  that came
                              a  face guard  on  the burgonet.   to an upturned point fore and aft. It
                                                               was  frequently  worn  with  a  large
                              Burgonet - An  open peaked  helmet  beaver  which  practically  covered
                              used  originally  by  the  Burgundian  the  face  and  its  gorget  plate
                              troops.  Tt  had  cheek  pieces,  some-  extended  well  down  over  the ctiest.
                              times  with  an adjustable buffe, and
                              there  were  a  number  of  different  Caligae  - A  fom of  leg  covering
                              shapes,  some  with  an  almost  flat  worn  by  Roman  soldiers  circa  1st
                              top, others rising to a fan-like crest.  century.
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