Page 223 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 223

four  mail  ' Trouser  legs'  hanging  some  30  years  Iater  Iiad  a  heavier
                              to knee  level  were  used. This  must  plated  rounded  visor  and  was  often
                              have  been  of  great  weight  and  for  used  in tournaments.
                              that reason is was seldom used.
                                A  later  fom  of  horse  amour  Bassilard - A sharply  tapering  two
                                                                edged  dagger  wliich  had  its  popu-
                              consisted  of  a  series  of  plates  over
                                                                larity in the  13th and  14th centuries.
                              the  neck and  head  whiIe  the  body
                              was  covered  with  a  fom of  short  Occasionally worn  with  armour but
                                                                it  was  of  more  general  use  in  civi-
                              caparison. These were known  as the
                              chanfron.  After  a  few  years  the  lian  dress  and  was  quite  frequently
                                                                carried  by  ladies  attached  to  their
                              peytral  and  crupper  were  added
                              which  consisted  of  solid  plates  of
                              cuir bouilli  or  in some cases metal.
                                                                Bastard  Sword  - A  sword  with  a
                                                                shortened  blade  sornetimes  known
                              Barre1 Helm - A mediaeval fom of
                                                                as the  ' hand-and-a-half ' sword.
                              helmet  called  thus  because  of  its
                              simple barre1 shape which often had
                                                                ~atteriag Rani  -  A  crude  but
                              a flat top. It gave complete covering  usually  effective means  of  breecl-iing
                              to  the  head,  which  with  the  aid  of
                                                                the walls of  a castle or city. It gener-
                              Iining  and  some  sort  of  skuH  cap,  ally  consisted  of  a  tree  trunk  to
                              took  the full weight.
                                                                which  an  iron  head  was  fixed  and
                                                                it was generally swung to-and-fro by
                              Bascinet  - A  basin  shaped  helmet  a  team  of  men  working  on  cither
                              originally open at the front but later  side. It was generally brought  to the
                              fitted  with  a  snout  type  visor  ter-  wail  or  gateway  under  cover  of  a
                              minating  in  a  Iong  point.  This was  strong  team  using  timber  mounted
                              in  use  circa  1390.
                                                                on  wheels designed  to  give tempor-
                                The  great  bascinet  introduced  ary cover  to the  operators.
                                                      Types  of  Battle  Axe
                              Battle  Axe - A  well  balanced  axe  and  the  back  of  the  blade.  Parti-
                              generally  with  a  splayed  out  head  cuIar  attea~on was  paid  to  its
                              and curved  blade. In addition  there  balance.
                              was a point  on the end  of  the shaft
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