Page 227 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 227

CaIiver - A hand  gun, lighter  than  guard,  hinged  cheek  pieces  and
                              the musket, which was fired without  extending  to  a  broad  neck  guard
                              a  gun  rest.
                                                                   overlapping  and  articulated
                                                               plates.  Introduced  about  1620.
                              Camail - A form of  mail cape which
                              was  suspended  from  the  botrom  of  Carbine - A name given throughout
                              the  helmet  and  was  designed  to  the ages to many light types of  hand
                              cover the  chin, neck  and  shoulders.  gun  or  rifie. It was  originally  intro-
                                                               duced  in the 16th century  as a form
                              Canon  carB  - One  of  the  earliest  of  small  wheeI-lock  pn.
                              types  of  armoured  fighting  vehicle
                              which  was  used  in  the  early  16th  Case Hardening - A  process  insti-
                              century.  It  was  hand  propelled  by  tuted  €rom  the  15th  century  for
                              four men  each  side  and  was  com-  hardening  amour,  probably  by
                              pletely  protected  by  a  turret  and  means of heat in  contact witl? char-
                              deflecting  surface  over  the  top.
                              Caparison - Originally  designed  as  Case  of  Rapiers  - The  rapier  was
                              a  form  of  protection  for  the  horse  the  most  commonly  used  weapon
                              lo  meet  attacks  against  the  under-  for duelling and  they were originally
                              bel1y  and  legs. For  battle  purposes  packed  two  in  a  case  so that  each
                              it  was  made  of  toughend  leather  contestant  could  use  an  identical
                              which  was  followed  later  by  the  blade,  however,  when  duellinç
                              light  linen  covering  of  the  same  became more  intense it was not un-
                              design  gefierally  emblazoned  with  common  for each  contestant  to use
                                                               two  blades  one  in either  hand. The
                              the rider's  mat of  anns.
                                                               term  for  this fom of  bout  was  ' to
                                                               fight with  a case  of  rapiers '.
                                                               Cassis  - The  type  of  helmet  worn
                                                                by  the  latcr  Roman  troops.  Ils
                                                               design  combined  that  of  the  attic
                                                               helrnet  and  the  5th  century  jockey
                                                               cap.  Tt  possessed  a  frontal band,  a
                                                               prominent  neck  guard  and  hinged
                                                               cheek pieces and it possessed a small
                                                               attachment  at  the  top  to  which  a
                                                               plume  could be  iked for ceremonial
                              Capeline  - Sometimes  called  the
                              ' lobster-tailed  pot '.  A  helmet  with
                              a  hemi-spherical  skull  piece  fitted
                              with  a  visor  which  comprised  an
                              adjustable  rod  forming  a  nose             Cassis
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