Page 230 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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times quilted,  to which  smail  plates  generally  made  in  one  piece  with
                               were lacd as a means of  body pro-  the  hauberk.
                               tecdon. The plates were so arranged
                               that  there  was  always  a  double  Cohort  - A  Roman  unit  of  600
                               thickness  of  metaI.
                               Code of  CàivaIry - It is almost irn-  Collar  - Generally  constmcted  of
                               possible to reconcile the code under  plates,  it replaced  the gorget  during
                               which  the  Knights  of  the  Middle  the  16th  century.
                               Ages lived and  fought and the near-
                               est we  can corne to it is by referring  Conical  Hehet  - Generally  refers
                               to  Leon  Gautier,  a  French  scholar  to  the  Norman  type  helmet,  either
                               who devoted  the greater  part  of  his  of  pointed or 0at-topped design.
                               life to the study of  the literature of
                               chivalry.  Frorn  his  researches,
                               Gautier  worked  out  what  he  des-
                               cribed  as Lis  ten  cornmandments of
                               Knjghtly conduct. These were:
                                1.  Unswerving belief in the Church
                                   and  obedience  to her  teachings.
                                2.  Willingness  to  defend
                                3.  Respect  and  pity  for al1  weak-
                                   ness and steadfastness in defend-
                                  ing  them.
                                4.  Love  of  country.
                                5.  Refusal  to  retreat  before  the
                                                                          Conical  Helmet
                                6. Unceasing  and  merciless  war
                                   against  the  jnfidel.
                                7.  Strict  obedience  to  the  Feudal  tial  to  the  armourer,  in  order  to
                                  overlord.  so  long  as  this  duty  make  his  product  so  that  it  would
                                  did  not  conflict  with  duty  10  protect  the  wearer  and  yet  not
                                                                hinder  bis  movements,  to  have  a
                                8. Loyalty  to  truth  and  Co  the  sculpter's  understanding  of  human
                                   pledged  word.
                                                                anatomy. He had  to understand  the
                                9.  Generosity  in  giving.   the   Contours of  Armonr - It was essen-
                                                                play  of  every muscle  and  the  hing-
                               10. Championship  of  the  right  and  ing  of  every  joint  both  human  and
                                  the  good  in  every place  and  at  in  tlie metal. As  the result  the  con-
                                   times  against  the  forces of  evil.  tours  of  amour  foltowed  those  of
                                                                the figure it was designed to protect.
                               Cod  Pieces - The front part  of  the
                               skirt of the armour which was often  Copper - Between  the  age  of  the
                               replaced  by  a  piece  of  mail.   stone  weapons  which  terminated
                                                                about  5000  B.C.  and  the  inception
                               Coi - A  kind  of  avenlail  made  of  of  bronze  about 200  B.C.  the  only
                               leathcr  or  canvas.  The  name  coif  metal  available  for  weapons  was
                               has  also been given to  the  close fit-  copper. This material, in very rough
                               thg mail hoods worn at the time of  fom, was used both for swords and
                               the  Battle  of  Hastings.  These  were  daggers,  the  blades  of  which  had
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