Page 229 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 229

we  see  the  Italian  barbut  which  but  broad  blade,  waisted  near  the
                              returned  to  a  style  similar  to  the  hiit  and  five  6ngers'  widths  across,
                              early  Grecian  helmet  of  the  6th  hence  the  name.
                              century  B.C.
                                                               Claymore - The original  Claymore
                              Chiidren's  Amour - Armour speci-  was  a  long  two-handed  sword  with
                              ally designed for children  wIio were  very  simpIe  quillons,  however,  by
                              eventually  destined  to  become  the  17th  century  it  had  becorne  a
                                                               moderarely  broad-bladed  double-
                                                               edged  weapon,  the  guard  of which
                              Chio  Straps - Used  in  connection  was  formed  by  a  basket  of  open
                             with  the  arming cap and  any  other  ironwork  which  enclosed  the  entire
                              padded  head  piece  worn  under  the  grip.
                              helmet.  In lacer  years  the  width  of
                              the chin  strap was increased  to pre-  Cloak and Sword - A form of  fight-
                              vent  the  cheeks  from  becoming  ing  during  the  16th  cenlury  when
                              rubbed  under  the  helmet.
                                                               the  cloak  was  used  instead  of  a
                                                               shield. The object  was  to rcnder the
                              Chivalry - A  general  term  used  to
                                                               adversary's  sword  am useless  by
                             cover  the  whoIe  of  the  Knightly
                                                               throwing  the  cloak  over  his  blade.
                              system  of  the  Middle  Ages  and  for
                              the particular  conditions and virtues
                                                               Close  Helmet  - A  type  of  helmet
                              which  governed  their  conduct.  See
                                                               which  was  much  used  towards  the
                              also  ' Code  of  Chivalry '.
                                                               end  of  the  16th and during the  17th
                                                               centuries.  It  was  derived  £rom  the
                              Chlamys  - The  volurninous  cloak
                                                               great  bascinet  and  it  fitted  much
                              generally  caught  up at the  shoulder
                                                               more  closely  to  the  shape  of  the
                              by a brooch which was worn by the
                              Roman soldiers.
                                                               Coat  Armour  - A  general  term
                              Cinquedea - A  dagger  with  a short
                                                               applying  to  coats  of  ams  or
                                                               armorial  bearings.
                                                               Coat  EmbIazoned  - The  original
                                                               surcoat  used  by  the  crusaders  was
                                                               emblazoned  with  the  appropriate
                                                               cross  of  the  army  to  which  the
                                                               wearer  belonged.  In addition, strips
                                                               of  colourd  material  were  stitched
                                                               to the surcoats of  particular leaders.
                                                               Subsequently  these  surcoats  were
                                                               reduced  in  length  and  emblazoned
                                                               with  the  arms  of  the  wearer.
                                                               Coat  of  Mail  - A  general  term
                                                               covering  the mail  garment  worn  by
                                                               the Iater Romans and  the Normans
                                                               until  solid  armoar  was  introduced.
                                                               Coat  01  Plates  - Consisted  of  a
                                                               leather  or  canvas  garment,  some-
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