Page 225 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 225

Bue$ - A temu used for the project-  the  forearm  and  u  per  am with
                               in$  knob  in  the  centre  of  early  the cuplike couter  or
                                                                                 P covering  the
                               shields, also for the ornamental stud  elbow and  a simiiar plate  known  as
                                                                the  spaudler attached  to the  shoul-
                               on a bridle,
                                                                der.  The  whole  assembly  was
                               Bouché - The notch  at  the  top  or  attached  to  the  hauberk.
                               near  the  right  hand  top  of  a  shield
                                                                Braconnikre  - A  system  of  lames
                               designed  to  take  the  lance.
                                                                          to  cover  the  lower
                                                                Braquemart - An accessory made by
                                                                continental  armourers and  designed
                                                                like the cod piece in civilian dress to
                                                                replace  the  mail.
                                                                Breastplate  - A  rigid  curved  plate
                                                                designed for protection  of  the chest.
                                                                It  was  attached  to  the  back  plate
                                                                and  had  a  number  of  accessories
                                                                attached  to it.
                               Bourd  - A  system  of  broad  strips
                               of leather  or  wood  fastened  to  the
                               pomme1  of  ihe  saddle  designed  to
                               afford  protection  for  the  abdomen,
                               knees and legs of  the rider. This was
                               introduced  in  the  latter  half  of  the
                               14th century.
                               Bow  - The  weapon  used  by  an
                               archer  or  cross  bowman.
                               Bracae  - Padded  extensions  to  the  Breecb  - A  kind  of  mail  trousers
                               short  trousers  worn  by  Roman  for  protection  of  the  lower  body
                               soldiers  in  about  the  1st  century  and  legs.
                               A.D.  Bracae did  not actually  cover
                               the  knees  but  prorected  the  upper  Brigandine  - Somewhat  similar  to
                               half  of  the knee-cap and lower thigh.  the coat of  plates but its plates were
                                                                very  much  smaller  and  conse-
                               Bracer - Originally  the name given  quently  gave  greater  fiexibiiity.  It
                               to  the  leather  cuff  worn  on  the  left  was  used  fairly  extensively  by
                               forearm  of  an  archer  to  protect  archers  and  other  light  troops.
                               against  the  rub  of  the  bow-string   In  the  mid-15th  century  equip-
                               in  shooting.                    ment  was  based  on  the  brigandine
                                 After 1300 the name was given to  to  ~vhich additional  pieces  were
                               an assembly of  plates curving round  strapped.
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