Page 224 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 224

BatCle  Sabre  - A  heavy  type  of  Besague - A circular plate attached
                               curved  sword  general  ly  used  for  to the bracer  and  lad to the front
                               cutting  purposes  by  cavalry.  It  of  the  shoulder  and  the  outside  of
                                                                the  elbow.  These  were  in  use  circa
                               could also be  used  for  thrusting.
                               Bears'  Feet  - An  unusually  wide
                               form  of  sabaton  believed  to  have
                               been adopted by the French Knights
                               with a view to concealing a physical
                               deformity of  Louis XIi.
                               Beaver, Bevor - A piece of  amour
                               designed  ta  protect  the  lower  part
                               of  the  face.  It  could  either  form
                               part  of  the helmet or be frxed to the
                               breastplate.  It  could  be  raised  or
                               lowered  according  to  its  type  thus
                               allowing the wearer  to eat or  drink.
                               Belt  - Various  types  of  belt  have
                               been  in  use  throughout  the  ages  Bicoqnet - A forrn of  closed helmet
                               either worn round the wajst or slung  consisting of  several pieces of  metal
                               bandolier-wise  over  the  shoulder  which  encIose  the  head,  neck  and
                               and  not  infrequently  a  combination  chin.  It  was  fitted  with  a  rounded
                               of  the  two.  These  have  alrnost  in-  visor  hinged  on  pivots.
                               variably  been  designed  as  a means
                                                                Bi11  - A  mediaeval  pole  weapon
                               of  carrying sword and dagger.
                                                                pointed  at the  end  with  a  spike  at
                                                                the back and a short curved blade in
                                                                the  front.
                                                                Body  Amour - See Armour.  Body.
                                                                Bonnet  - A  type  of  padded  skull
                                                                cap  over  which  was  worn  a  metal
                                                                covering  generally  used  by  foot
                                                                soldiers  during  the  16th  and  early
                                                                17th  centuries.  Besague
                                                                Bordon,  Bourdonass - A  light hol-
                                                                low  lance generally made of  poplar
                                                                and designed to shiver easily against
                                                                the  opponent's  arrnour. In the early
                                                                tournaments the principal object was
                                                                to  knock the  adversary  Rom  his
                                                                horse.  This was  difficult to  achieve
                                                                owing  to  the high  projections  both
                                                                at  the  front  and  the  back  of  the
                                                                saddle.  With  the  bordon  however,
                                                                honour was satisfied if  the lance was
                                          Belt drca  1323       shivered.
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