Page 221 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 221

Some of  the  better  known  artists
                                The  Maximiiian  type  in  general
                              is  looked  upon  as the  armour with  who  worked  in  this  connection  in-
                              the  cIosely Buted  plates.  and  it was  clude  Hans  Burkmair.  Andrea  del
                                                               Castagno.  Albrecht  hrer,  Hans
                              always  highly  deeorative.
                                                               Holbein,  Leonardo  da  Vinci  and
                              Annonr,  Parade  - Most  members  ~
                              of  the  Nobilitv  were satisfied to use
                              ordinary  undecorated  ~~our
                                                           in  Aquebos  - A kind  of
                              times  of  war,  however,  it  became
                                                               first  introduced  in  the  mid  16th
                              the  custom  for  each  to  possess  a
                              highly decorated  armour for parade
                              and  cerernonial  purposes.  During
                                                               Anif  Belmet  - Introduced  by the
                              the  16&  centuT much  of  this  was
                                                               Greeks  as  a  lighfer and  less  am-
                              constructed  in  the Greenwich work-
                                                               bersorne form  of  helmet  han had
                                            by  Henry  VnT.
                                                               ben used  earlier.  It consisted  of  a
                              Amour, Plated - Refers to the later  round  metal  cap  with  protwding
                              types  of  armour  as  opposed  to  the  defence  for  the
                                                               nose,  the  ears  being  left  free.  The
                              time when  mail was  used.
                                                               cheek  pieces  were  generally  decor-
                              Annoor, Tonlet  - COnsiskd of rigid
                                                               ated and jn  many helmets they could
                              imitation pleatS,  with Cut awaY par-
                                                               be  pushed  up  on  hinges
                              tiens  in  front  and  at  the  back  to
                                                               required.  In addition  it possessed  a
                              enable  the  wearer  to  mount  bis
                                                               triangular  fronted  ornamental  band
                                                               for  protection  of  the  forehead.  A
                              Amomrs  - Some  of  the  better  crest  was  mounted  consisthg  of  a
                              known amourers induded Tomasso  horse  hair  fan  which  ran  over  the
                              Missaglia,  who  was  knighted  by  central  portion  from  slightly  for-
                              Duke  Filippo  Marja  Visconti
                                                               ward  of  the  perpendicular  to  the
                              whose  name  actually  meant  '~~1- The  early  Romans  copied  the
                                           and  Negroli.
                              latter's  principal  cornpetitor.
                              Arrow  - A  straight  shaft  with  a
                              metal  point  at one  end  which  was
                              generally barbed  at the tip and had
                              a flight of three feathers at the other
                              end.   Desiderius   Helrnschmied,  neck  Potection.   ~  ~  check  and
                                During the days of  the short bow
                              arrows were  no more than  two feet
                              in  length.  However,  when  the  long
                              bow  came  into  being  arrows  were
                              norrnally  three feet in  length.
                              Articniated  Plates  - See  Armour.
                              Arüsts - With  the great increase  in
                              the decoration  of  armour it became
                              necessary for  artists  of  the  time  to
                              provide  the  designs  to  which  the
                              armourers  worked.                          Attic  Helmet
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