Page 73 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 73
Anderson, Mathew, blacksmith. Morrison, James, tailor.
Baxter, James, tailor. Mutch, William, M. D.
Burr, James, Fergus Arms hotel. Perry, James, turner.
Crocket, John, waggonmaker. Piper, William, saddler and harncssmaker.
Daly, James, Wellington hotel - Piper, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker.
Daly, William, cooper. Ross, James & David, carpenters and joiners.
Depew, James, blacksmith. Small, Samuel, shoemaker.
Eniond, Robert, tailor. Smellie, Rev. George, Free Church.
Fannnn, Joseph, plasterer. Smith, J. & A., stage coach proprietors.
Forrester, Andrew, mason. Smith, James L., notary public and conveyancer
Galbraith, W. & J., storekeepers. Smith, James L., apothecary and stationer.
Goreau, John, saw mill. •Stewart, George, carpenter and joiner.
Graham, Misses, milliners and dressmakers. Vickers, George, watchmaker.
Jardine, George, storekeeper. Walker, James, storekeeper.
Johnson, Robert, tanner and currier. Walker, John, storekeeper.
Kelcher, William, St. Andrew's Arms hotel. Walker, James, baker.
Logan, William, mason. Watson, L. W., storekeeper.
Mair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, Church of Scotland. Watt, Misses, straw bonnetmakers.
Martin, Angus, tailor. Watt, John, storekeeper and agent for National
Martin, John, miller. Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance
McCrory, William, shoemaker. Companies.
McDonald, John, shoemaker. Webster, Henry, tinsmith.
McKoe, William, shoemaker. Webster, James, commissioner of court of Queen\s
McLaren, Peter, distiller. Bench.
McQueen, James, postmaster and schoolmaster. Wilkie, Alexander, blacksmith.
Mills, Mathew, butcher. Williams, John, M. D.
Michie & Tod, storekeepers.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Southwold, County of Middlesex, C. W.—distant fron;.
Toronto, 157 miles, and from London, 25 miles.
MACPIIERSON, GLASGOW & Co., manufacturers of steam engines, threshing machines,
and all kinds of mill castings.
Arkell, William, general merchant. Maclum, N., tailor.
Ayres, M. S., general merchant. Mclntyre, Rev. • -, Baptist.
Barber, F., inspector of licenses. McKenzie, D., schoolmaster.
Blackwood. Robert, general merchant. McLordy, A., bootmaker.
Chappie, Rev. R., Free Will Baptist. Munroc, C , J, P.
Fisher, C. J., tailor. Ning, James, mansion house.
Fowler, Levi, merchant and postmaster. Partridge, J., hotel.
Frazer, Rev. John, Free Church. Pollard, Kev. •——, Wesleyan-
Holland, Rev. H., Church, of England. Travers, R. W., M. D.
Lewis, C., Fingal hotel. Wing, James, innkeeper.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Fitzroy, County of Carleton, C. W.—distant from Bytown
32 miles—usual fare by stage and steamboat, 8s. 9d.
LEARMOUTH, GEORGE, postmaster, general merchant and mill owner, half a mile from
the Village, on the Pakenham road.
Amm, Samuel, tailor. McCaskill, Donald B., carpenter.
Barry, Edward, blacksmith. Moran, John, tailor.
Burr, Joshua, miller. O'Donnell, Neil, innkeeper.
Dubord, Dr. David, physician and surgeon. Piggott, W. D., clerk of division court.
Farrel, James, bailiff. Robertson, John, land surveyor.
Grierson, James, general store- Shirreff, Mrs., innkeeper.
Henderson, Rev. Alexander, United Presbyterian. Steen, James, deputy slide master.
Kennedy, Miss, milliner. Taylor, W. P., general store and wharf.
Kirby. John, blacksmith. Terry, Henry, tailor.
Kitt, William, shoemaker. Wade, James, shoemaker.
Loney, William, tanner. Wark, James, shoemaker.
McCarty, J. D., blacksmith.