Page 74 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 74


                              FLAMBORO     WEST,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the  Township of Flamboro, County of Halton, C. W.—distant  from  Dundas,
      3  miles, from  Hamilton, 8 miles—usual  stage fare, Is. 9d.—distant  from  Gait, 16 miles—usual  stage
      fare,  3s. 9d.
      COLCLEUGH,  WALTER,  baker, dealer in dry  goods, groceries, liquors, hardware  and lum-
          ber—agent  for  marriage licenses.
      CORBETT,  GEORGE,  Flamboro House  hotel—'travellers will find the  best  accommodation
          at this house.
      CROOKS, A.  & D., general  merchants, dealers  in  dry  goods, groceries, liquors, hardware
          and  crockery, &c.
      SANDERSON,  ROBERT,  iron  and  brass  founder,  manufacturer  of  stoves,  stove  furniture,
          mill gearing, steam  engine works, threshing  machines and  agricultural implements.
      Chapman, John,  innkeeper.         Logie, William,  shoemaker.
      Christy, Kev. Thomas,  Presbyterian.  McKee, William,  blacksmith.
      Dass, James, tailor.               Morris, Thomas,  waggonmaker.
      Donaldson, W. D., public school teacher.  Murray, John & George, blacksmiths.
      Durrant, Thomas,  butcher.         Percy, John, tailor.
      Hamilton, James, M. D.             Sullivan,  Cornelius, tailor.
      Kernighan, Thomas, shoemaker.
      A VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of Beekwith,  County of Lanark—distant  from  Carleton  Place,
      9 miles, from  Perth  15 miles,  from  Smith's Falls, 12 miles, from  Bytown,  36 miles—usual  stage  fare
      to Bytown, 7s. 6d.—to Smith's Falls, 2s. 6d.  Population  about 100.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST 01  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
      BURROWS, JAMES M., general store and hotelkeeper—travellers will find this a comfortable
          house, and  moderate  charges.
      Allan, Austin,  waggonmaker.       Nesbitt, George, M. D.
      Bowles, James,  carpenter.         Patfield, Rev. James, Church  of England.
      Hughson, John, general store and tavern.  Smith, Rev.  , Church of Scotland.
      Lever,  Robert,  waggonmaker,  and  chairfactory
      A VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory of St. Armand,  County  of Missisquoi, District of Montreal—dis-
      tant  from St. Johns, 28 miles, from  Stanstead, 50 miles—is a port of entry.
      Baker, W. S., tanner and currier.  Hurlbut, A., J. P., general  dealer.
      Barnum, J. B., M. D.              Kemp, Aaron, J. P., collector  of  customs.
      Bennett,  Oliver,  wheelwright.   Kemp,  Orin J., J. P.,  general trader and  crown
      Carty,  Robert,  harnessmaker.      lands agent for  Missisquoi.
      Chamberlain, S., M. D.            Kemp, Levi, postmaster, tavemkeeper and bailiff.
      Dickinson, Richard, notary public.  Kemp, Galloway L., bailiff.
      Dragon, Louis, tailor.            Lacherry, William,  tailor.
      Elmore & Kemp, blacksmiths.       Liddell, James, blacksmith.
      Freligh, Abraham,  clothier, &c.  Masire, Alexander,  blacksmith.
      Galusha, William,  shoemaker.     Reid, Rev. James,  Church  of England.
      Graves, Thomas,  blacksmith.      Reynolds, Elijah  S., general  trader.
      Holding & Smith, general  traders.  Roberts, G. F., hatmaker.
      Hutchinson, Mrs., saw and grist mill, and card-  Seymour, J. B., hatter.
       ing machine  owner.              Skinner, Thomas, shoemaker.
                              FROST   VILLAGE,
      Is  situated in the Township of Shefford,  County of Shefford,  C. E:—distant  from  Stanstead,  40 miles,
      from  Montreal,  62 miles.
      Edgarton, Joseph B., deputy registrar and deputy  Inglis, William,  bailiff.
       postmaster.                      Williams, F., & Co., general store.
      Foster, S. S., M. D., registrar and postmaster.  Wood, A., general store.
      French, George, innkeeper.
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