Page 52 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 52

     Byam, Rev. J.  W.,  Episcopal  Methodist.  McGeorge, Rev.  Mr., Methodist.
     Colton  and Tracy,  general  store.  Morrison, Rev.  M., Methodist.
     Coder, Miss, school teacher.       Perry, D., general  store.
     Draper, Rev. E.,  Episcopal  Methodist.  Poinier, R.,  tannery.
     Duggan,  \\ .,  postmaster.        Simpson, J.,  grist mill.
     Dunbar, J.,  innkeeper.            Truij,  William, school teacher.
     Hall, T.  D.,  general  store  arid ashery.  Also  3  blacksmiths,  3  carpenters,  2  coopers,
     Ingram,  M., grist  and  saw mills.  1  harness maker,  3 shoemakers, 2 tailors, 2 wag-
     Lyons, Dr.. physician  and  surgeon.  gonmakers.
     McCullougb, Dr.,  physician  and  surgeon.
     A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of  Burford,  County  of  Oxford, C. W.—distant  from  Brantfojsf  9
     miles—usual  stage  fare,  2s. 6d.—distant  from  Toronto,  82 miles—from  London,  5G miles.  Population.
     about  300.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &e.
     Catten, John, general  storekeeper  and inspector  of  licenses.
     Caul field, Dr.,  physician.       Marks, T.  D., ironfounder  and tinsmith.
     Caulfield.  Rev. A.  St. G., Church of  England.  Mathews, John, general store.
     Chester,  Dr. F.,  physician.      Perley,  C.  S., mill owner.
     Coker,  F.,  tailor.               Robinson,  —.—, innkeeper.
     Force, William,  inspector  of  licenses  Rose, H., M.  D.
     Hearns, James,  cabinetmaker.      Serptll, W.  1L, carpenter.
     Hunt,  S. M.,  blacksmith.         Skinner, J.,  M. D.
     Hunt, Robert,  bootmaker.          Smith,  Isaac,  carpenter.
     Jones, Thomas, boots and shoes.    Steel, John, general  store.
     Jones, B., general store.          Vincent,  Rev. Mr.,  Congrcgationalist.
     Kerby,  , hotelkecper.             Ward, John,  cabinetmaker.
     Lighiley,  G.,  shoemaker.         Whitehead,  W. L.,  postmaster  and  clerk  of divi*
     Lon< y,  hotelkecper.                 sion  court.
     McCulirey, J.,  tailor.            Whitehead,  N. M., agent  for marriage  licensee.
     A VILLAGE  situated  in the Seigniory  of  Koyan, County  of  Rouvillc, C. E.—distant  from  Phillipsburg,
     10 miles.
     Barber, J. P., M.D.                Harringion, E.  W.,  chair  factory.
     Brainerd  & Shattuck, general  store.  Inglis, Rev. E.  S.,  Wesleyan.
     Clark,  D. S., general store.      Lafflin,  U..M.D.
     Clark,  P., tailor.                Morrison, W. F.,  shoemaker-
     Clark, J.,  innkeeper.             Spiers, A.  & M.,  builders.
     Curtis, Edward,  tanner.           Stewart,  C,  collector  of  customs  and  postmaster.
     Evans, Charles,  carriagemaker.    Taylor, James,  blacksmith.
     Foster, Richard,  carriagemaker.   Townsend, Rev. M., Church  of England.
                             CLARKE,   or  Newton,
     A  VILLAGE  situated  on the  post  road  to  Toronto,  in  the  Township  of  Clarke,  County  of  Durham,
     C. W.—distant  from  Port  Hope,  12 miles,—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d.—-distant from  Toronto, 52 miles,—
     usual stage  fare,  12s. 6d.  Population about 250.
     Beavis, John,  postmaster.         McBain, John  tailor.
     Bowles, Robert,  tailor.           McBain, John,  innkeeper.
     Bolan,  Samuel,  cabinetmaker.     McBride, William,  carriage  maker.
     Conroy, Ephrium,  blacksmith.      McCaldon,  Isaac,  carpenter.
     Coutler, John,  shoemaker.         McMurtry, James,  innkeeper.
     Culver, Abraham,  carriagemaker.   Muldrew, William,  tailor.
     Dickey, Theron,  blacksmith.       Ormston,  Rev. W.,  United  Presbyterian
     Gairdner, James  A., general  store.  Porter, James, shoemaker.
     Harrison, John,  carpenter.        Shaw,  George  E-> general store.
     Hopwood, John,  tailor.            Smith, Noble  C ,  general store.
     Hyatt,  Sewell,  carpenter.        Smith, William,  shoemaker.
     Jacobs, Joseph,  tannery.          Stephens, Richard,  shoemaker.
     Kennedy, Robert,  blacksmith.      Stratton, Samuel,  shoemaker.
     Lockhart, John,  carriagemaker.    Thomas,   , cabinetmaker.
     McArthur,  Donald, saddler.        Uljyot,  Dalton, general store.
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