Page 49 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 49
McDowall, John, foundry, King Bt. Slade, R. & J., shoemakers, King st.
McKeough, J. W., tinsmith, &c, King st Slagg, Joseph & Henry, brewers.
McLean, Alexander 1")., barrister and attorney at Smith, Robert 0., cabinetmaker, King st.
law, King st. Smith, John, saddler, King st.
Monk, Slagg & Mackay, auctioneers, &c.,King st. Smith, Robert, sen., cabinetmaker, King st.
Nbrthwood, Joseph, distillery. Smith, John, tannery, Kingst.
Northwood, J. W., Kent steam mills. Smythe, William, saddler and tanner, King st.
Parr, R., land agent and surveyor. Stephenson, Eli, innkeeper, King st.
Pegley, Dr., coroner, physician, &c. Stevenson, E., Exchange hotel, King st.
Pegley and Cross, chemists and druggists, King st. Thomas, George, notary and agent bank Upper
Reaurne, Adolphus, general store, King st. Canada.
Reeve, James, watchmaker, &c, King st. Townley, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Riordam, John, grocer, King st Taylor, T. M., stage owner, King st.
Richardson, Henry, baker, King st. Urquhart, Kenneth, grocer and innkeeper, King st.
Robertson, Dr. Alexander R , King st. Weir, John C, forwarder.
Ryan, William, grocer, King st. Weatherspoon & Chartress, general store, Kingst.
Salter, A. P.,land surveyor and land agent,King st, Williams, John T5., land and general agent, King st
Sandys, Rev. F. W., Church of England. Winter & Martin, steam saw mill..
Sheriff", John, carriagemaker, King st. Winter, William, general merchant, King st.
Side, Albert, shoemaker, King st. Woods, R.S. ,barrister and attorney at law,King st.
A VILLAGE situated on the Niagara River, in the Townships of Willoughhy and Stamford, C. W.—
distant from Hamilton, 50 miles—from Toronto, by water, 50 miles, by land, 110 miles. Population
about 1200.
BARNEY, R. A., dealer in groceries, provisions, &c, &c.
CAVANAGH, MICHAEL, Emerald hotel.
DINSMORE, ABRAHAM, printing office.
FELL, JAMES W., general merchant and surveyor.
HEPBURN, WILLIAM, postmaster and clerk of the division court.
KIRKPATRICK, JOHN, general merchant.
MACKLEM, JAMES, banker and J. P.
MACKLEM, OLIVER T., collector of customs, and steam engine and machine manufacturer.
See Card, next page.
MACKLEM & CUMMING, leather merchants.
NICHOLSON, ALEXANDER & WILLIAM, general merchants.
ROBINSON, RICHARD, general store, and agent for Canada Life Assurance Company.
Bond, Henry, carriagemaker and blacksmith.
David, John C , Steamboat hotel.
Lyons, James H., boot and shoemaker to His Excellency the Governor General.
Mack, William, tanner.
More, (Joseph,) & Ernmons (James,) hat manufacturers.
Pierce, Israel, saw mill.
Ross, John, merchant, and tailor.
Slater, Robert, National hotel.
Street, Thomas, miller and woollen factory.
Aberdeen, R., M. D.
Amm, James, tailor. Leach, Francis, waggonmakeh
Bristol, James M., teacher. Lusaw, Robert, cooper and innkeeper.
Callaghan, John, mason. Me James, John, tailor.
Carlo, James, shoemaker. Macklem, Thomas, M. D.
Meriam, John,
Coldbath, John, carpenter. Morse, Peter, carpenter.
Davidson, Thomas, carpenter. Patterson, William, grocer.
Day, Joseph, shoemaker. Phillips, John, butcher.
Deakers, John, shoemaker. Rapelje, John, saddler,
Durham, Lewis, tinsmith. Raymond, Lorenzo D., attorney at law.
Durham, Isaac, innkeeper. Roberts, James, mason.
Flett, James, storekeeper. Rousseau, John, grocer.
Forbes, J., M. D. Smith, Alexander, blacksmith.
Gibson, Alexander, baker. Steinholdt, John, butcher.
How, Leonard, carpenter. Vandyke, Vert, cooper.
Jennings, James, grocer. Whistle, Benjamin, blacksmith.
Kelly, Miss, teacher. Wilkinson, James, town clerk.