Page 48 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 48

CHATHAM, (C. W.)                         ST

                            CHATHAM,      (C.  W.,)
     THE  COUNTY  TOWN  of the  County of Kent,  is  situated on the River Thames, in the Townships of
     Harwich and Raleigh, C. W.—distant  from.Toronto,  197 miles—from  London,  67 miles—usual  stage
     fare,  17s. 6d.—usual stage fare to Windsor, 12s. 6d.—steamboat  fare to Windsor or Detroit, 7s. 6d.—to
     Amherstburg, 8s. 9d.  Population  about 2,200.
     Bank  of Upper  Canada, George Thomas, agent.
     British  America Fire and Marino Assurance Company, George Thomas, agent.
     Gore Bank, Messrs. Wethenspoon and Chartress, agents.
     National  Loan  Fund  Life Assurance Company, George Thomas, agent.
     St.  Lawrence Fire Assurance Company, . B. Williams, agent.
     Chatham, Building Society, George Thomas, secretary and treasurer.
                                PUBLIC OFFICERS.
     Wells, W. B., judge of the county court.
     Duck, George, jun., clerk of the peace.
     Waddell, John, sheriff  of the county.
     Cameron, Malcolm, M. P. P. for Kent.
     Williams, J. B., registrar of the surrogate court.
     Mackay, A. B., county registrar.
     Cosgrove, William, collector of customs and clerk of county council.
     Chartress, Alexander, treasurer.
     Crow, John, postmaster.
     M'Crea, William A., revenue inspector.
     M'Crea, Walter, township clerk.
     BILES, J., Chatham Arms  hotel, King  st.—A  porter  is constantly in  attendance,  atod
         passengers are conveyed to or from the boats free  of charge.
     COSGROVE,  WILLIAM,  collector  of  customs, King  st.
     DAVIS,  STEPHEN J.,  importer  of  staple  and  fancy  dry  goods, &c.
     EBBETS  & ROBERTSON, general  merchants and importers, Commercial  Buildings, King st.
     IRELAND,  JOHN  A., general  printing  office,  King  st.
     KENT  ADVERTISER,  John A.  Ireland, publisher,  King  st.
     MCDONALD,  W . P., tailor  and clothier,  King st.
     MCLEAN  & DUCK,  barristers and attorneys  at law, notaries public  and solicitors  in chan-
         cery, King st.
     PARR,  RICHARD,  civil  engineer  and provincial  land  surveyor,  King st.
     POOL,  SAMUEL,  importer  and  general merchant,  King  st.
     TURNBULL,  GEORGE,  merchant  tailor,  King  st.—Keeps  always on hand  a  full  assortment
         of  broadcloths, cassimeres, doeskins, tweeds, vestings, &c. &c.
     WINTER,  JOHN,  Albion  hotel, King  st.
     Alders, S., distiller.             Ebbets & Waddell, general merchants. King st.
     Askin, Dr., physician and surgeon.  Everett, R. J., land agent and conveyancer, bar-
     Barr, Dr., physician and surgeon.j   rister, &c, Kingst.
     Bennett, G.  C , grocer, King st.  Fawcett, Rev. ]Vf., Methodist.
     Blackburn, Leonard, grocer,  King st.  Gibbs, A. W., chemist  and druggist,  King St.
     Brooke, John E., general store, King st.  Goodyear, John,  boots and shoes, King St.
     Buchannan,  Charles, innkeeper,  King st.  Green, G. H.,hairdres&"er,  King st.
     Burns, James, general store, King st.  Griffiths,  W.  C , general store, King st.
     Cameron, J. & A., general store, Kingst.  Harrison, Thomas, shoemaker, King St.
     Campbell, Rev. M., Baptist.        Higgins, James, shoemaker, King st.
     Cross, Dr.. physician and surgeon.  Holmes, James, distiller and maltster,  King st.
     Crow & Beatty, general store, King st.  Ironsides, Dr., physician  and surgeon, King st.
     Currie, Andrew, tailor,  King st.  King, Rev. F. W., Colored,  Baptist.
     Dawson, William, innkeeper,  King st.  Lacroix, P. P., notary and general agent,  court-
     Degge, Thomas, grocer, King st.       house.
     Dolson, M. O., general store, King st.  McCall, Rev. A., Free Church.
     Donnolly, Edward B., M. D., King st.  McCall, Donald, grocer, King st.
     Ebbeis, W. W., general merchant and steamboat  McCrea,  Walter,  agent, and  conveyancer  and
      owner, King st.                      barrister,  &.c., King st.
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