Page 55 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 55

64                            COBOURQ.

      GOLDSTONE, DR.  GEORGE, physician  and  surgeon,  King  st.
      GOODEVE  & CORRIGAL,  booksellers, stationers and  grocers, King  st.
      GRAVELEY,  WILLIAM,  dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries,  wines, hardware, crockery,  coun-
          try  produce, &c,  King  st.
      HITCHINS,  WILLIAM,  soap  and  candle  factory  and  grocer,  Division  st.—every  article  in
          his line  wholesale  or  retail  at low prices—country produce  bought  at market  prices.
      HOLMAN, JOHN, tailor and draper, King st.—a general  assortment  of gentlemen's clothing,
          &c,  constantly  on hand  or made  to  order  in the  best  style, on  moderate terms.
      HOWARD,  JOSHUA, boot and  shoemaker, King st'.—an excellent  stock  of  boots and shoes
          always  on  hand, or made  to order  in  the  best  style, at  moderate  prices.
      HUFF,  HENRY,  cabinetmaker,  Division  st.—a  choice  stock  of furniture  always  on  hand
          or  made to  order in  the  best style, at  very  reasonable  prices.
      JACKSON,  HENRY  II.,  chemist  and  druggist,  and  dealer  in fine  groceries,  King  st.
      KITTSON,  WILLIAM  II., collector of customs,  office, Division  st.
      LEITH,  ROBERT,  Enniskillen  hotel, King  st.—this  house  will  be  found  comfortable  and
          the  charges  very  moderate,
      MCCONNELL,  JAMES, carriagemaker,  Division  st.—all  kinds  of carriages  used  in  Canada
          constantly  on  hand  or made  to  order,  equal to  any  manufactured  in the  Province,
          and warranted  durable.
      MCKECHNTE  &WINANS,  Ontario woollen mills, Kingst.—over 200,000  yards of  cloth are
          manufactured  here  annually, giving employment  to over  170  persons.
      MARTIN,  JAMES  JOHN,  tin,  copper  and  stove  warehouse,  King st.—every  article  in  the
          line  always  for  Rale, jobbing  done  to  order,  charges  low.
      MILNE,  ANDREW,  merchant  tailor,  King  st.—clothing  of all  kinds  on  hand  or  made  to
          order in good  style  and  at. low  prices.
      MORGAN,  C. II.,  agent  for  Bank  of Montreal, King  st.
      NIXON, JOHN, watchmaker and jeweller, King st.—a good stock of gold and silver watches,
          jewellery,  and fancy  articles, at low prices.  Watches  and  clocks  repaired,  cleaned
          and  regulated.
      PATON,  ALEXANDER, tailor and  clothier, Division  st.—all kinds of clothing made  to order
          in the  most  fashionable  style, and  with  punctuality and  despatch.
      PEARSON,  WILLIAM,  saddler  and  harnessmaker, Division  st.—W, P. (who  took  the first
          prize  in  his line, at the  Provincial  Exhibition), has  always  on hand,  saddlery,  har-
          ness, trunks, &c,  of very superior  quality.
      PERRY,  E.,  & Co., importers  of dry  goods, hardware, crockery, groceries, &c,  and flour
          millers, lumber  merchants, and  dealers  in country  produce. King  st.
      PRINGLE,  DR. JAMES,  chemist  and  druggist  and  bookseller  and  stationer,  King  st.'—a
          choice stock  of drugs, chemicals, perfumery, books, stationery, &c,  always  on hand.
      ROWAN,  THOMAS,  R., M. D., physician  and  surgeon, King  st.
      RUTTAN, II.  JONES,  general  printing  office,  King  st.
      SINCLAIR,  ROBERT,  saloon,  Division  st.—oysters,  cigars,  sardines, wines  and  liquors  of
         the  best  quality  always  on  hand.  Dinners, suppers,  lunches, &c,  on  the  shortest
      STEWART,  BENJAMIN G., bookseller  and stationer, King st.—books, periodicals and cheap
         literature, in  great variety always  on  hand,  or  furnished  to order, at the lowest possi-
         ble rates.
      STRONG  & SCOTT, dealers  in  dry  goods, hardware, crockery,  groceries  and  country  pro-
         duce, King  st.
     TOURJE,  WILLIAM,  dealer  in  stoves, and  manufacturer  of  tin,  sheet  iron, and  japanned
          ware  of every description, Division  st.
     VAN  INGEN, A. J., importer  of shelf and heavy hardware  of every description, and dealer
         in  all kinds  of country  produce, King  st.
     VANDUSEN  & FERGUSON,  auctioneers  and  commission  merchants,  Division  st.—cash
         advances  made  on  consignments, and prompt  returns  of sales  rendered.
     WALLACE,  DANIEL,  house,  sign  and  ornamental  painter,  paper  hanger  and  gilder  on
         wood,  metal  and  glass, in  oil  or  burnish  gilding, Division  st.  Carriage  painting  at-
         tended to.
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