Page 54 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 54

COBOURG.                             63
      Smith, James, M. P. P.  for  Durham, Port  Hope.
      Boulton, Hon.  G. S., M.  L.  C ,  registrar  for  Northumberland.
      Ward,  Geo.  C ,  registrar  for Durham,  Port  Hope.
      Ruttan,H.,  sheriff  of United  Counties.
      Ward,  Thomas, clerk  of the  peace.
      Chatterton,  Richard  D., deputy  clerk  of  the  crown,  and  clerk  of  county  court.
      Whitehead,  M. F., registrar,  surrogate  court, Port  Hope.
      Smith, E.  P., crown  lands  agent, Port  Hope.
      Daintry, G.  S.,  revenue  inspector,  Northumberland.
      McKibbin, James, revenue  inspector, Durham, Port  Hope.
      Burnham,  Asa  H., warden  of the United  Counties.
      Burnham,  Zaccheus, treasurer  of  United  Counties.
      Jellett,  Morgan,  clerk  of county  council.
      Cameron, James, deputy  registrar  for  Northumberland.
      Scott, Thomas,  postmaster.
      Kittson,  W.  H.,  collector  of customs.
      McCarroll, James, landing waiter of customs.
      Weller, William,  mayor of Cobourg.
      Brodie, David, town  clerk.
                                VICTORIA  COLLEGE.
      Richey, Rev. Mathew, D.  D., principal  and  professor  of  theology.
      Neiles, Rev.  S., A.  M., acting principal, and  professor  of rhetoric.
      Kingston, William, A. M.,  professor  of mathematics.
      Wright, W.  P., A. B., professor  of classical  literature.
      Vandusen,  Rev.  Conrad,  treasurer  and  agent.
      Number  of pupils  about  50—April, 1851.
      ALLEN, JOHN  T.,  dealer  in  groceries,  provisions and  country  produce,  King  st.
      ARMOUR,  SHAW, land  and  general  agent, King st.
      AXTELL,  N.  G.,  bookseller and  stationer, King st.—a  general stock  of books,  periodicals,
         stationery,  &c,  constantly  for  sale  wholesale  and  retail  at low  prices.
      BEAMISH,  JOHN  S.,  dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware, lumber,  country  produce,
         &c,  King  st.
      BOULTON,  HON.  G.  S., M. L.  C ,  barrister  and  attorney  at law,  King  st.
      BURN,  DAVID,  actuary  of the  Savings Bank,  &c,  King  st.
      BURNHAM,  ASA  M., warden  of the  United  Counties.
      BURROW,  CHARLES,  dealer  in  groceries,  provisions,  boots,  shoes,  &c,  Division  st.-  a
         large  stock  always  on  hand,  and  for  sale  very  low.
      BUTLER,  GEORGE,  forwarder,  Division  st.—goods received  in  store and  forwarded  to all
         parts  of Canada,  the  United  States or Great  Britain.
      CAMERON,  JAMES,  deputy  registrar  for  Northumberland,  King  st.
      CHURCH,  WILLIAM  Y., Albion hotel  and  livery  stables, King st.—every  accommodation
         to  be had,  usually  found  at the best  hotels,  and  charges  moderate.
      COBOURG  STAR,  THE,  weekly  paper, H. Jones  Ruttan,  editor,  King  st.
      DUIGNAN,  TERENCE,  Globe  hotel, stage  house  and  livery  stable,  King  st.-—this house is
         second  to none  in  British  America,  in  comfort  and  convenience.
      EDGCUMBE,  GEORGE,  dealer  in  groceries  and  provisions,  S.  E.  corner  of  King  and
         Division  sts.'—a  good stock  always  for  sale cheap  for  cash  or  country  produce.
      FARMER,  MRS.,  North  American  hotel, Division  st.—the  house  will  be  found  pleasant
         and convenient,  and  the  charges  moderate.
     FIELD,  JOHN,  dealer in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware,  crockery,  &c,  King  st.
     FLEMING,  DANIEL,  harp  and  crown inn,  King st.—a  good  yard  and  stabling  is  attached
         to the  house,  and  the  charges  are always  moderate, N. B., water  on the  premises.
     FRASER  &  McLeod,  importers  of  Foreign  and  British  dry  goods,  and  wholesale  and
         retail  clothing warehouse,  King  st.
     GARRETT,  W.  A,,  barrister  and  attorney  at law,  King  st.
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