Page 57 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 57


      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Cramah6,  County  of Northumberland, C. W.—distant  front
      Cobourg,  16 miles;—usual stage fare, 5s.—usual steamboat  fare to Toronto, Kingston or Rochester, 10s.
      Population  about 700.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS',  TRADES,  &c.
      KEELEK, J OSEPH  A., postmaster, wharfinger  and flour mills.
      Beattie, William,  general  store.  Lennan, J., surveyor of customs.
      Bennett, B., barrister  and attorney at law.  Merriman, J. M., saw  mill.
      Boucher, R. M.,  barrister  and attorney at  law-  Powers, Dr. J. P.
      Campbell, D.,  flour mills.         Pugh r Dr.  Frederick.
      Casey, S. N., plaster  and saw  mills.  Robertson, D., general  store.
      Colton & Hayes, general store.      Scott, J. P., fire assurance  agent.
      Cole, S. S., wharfinger.            Smith, Rev. M.,  Church of Scotland.
      Filley, William,  fire  assurance  agent.  Wilson, Rev. J., Church of England.
      Goslee & Teasdale, general store.     Also, 2 innkeepers,  1 foundry, 1 mill  stone  fac-
      Grover, J. M., & Co., general  store.  tory,  1 wdlen  factory,  1 pottery,  1 tinsmith, 1
      Grover, J. M., saw mills.           tannery, 1 cabinetmaker, 6 carpenters, 3 waggon-
      Hall, Warren, lumber  merchant.     makers,  4 smiths,  7  shoemakers,  2  saddlers, 4
      Hurlbert, Rev. J., Wesleyan.        tailors, 2 chairmakers, 1 hatter, 2 turning  lathes-
                         COLEBROOKE,     or Peters 7  MiUs y
      A  VILLAGE  situated on the Napanee River, in the Township of Camden, County of Addington,  C.W..
      —distant from  Kingston,  21 miles.  Population  about  120.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &e.
      Brown, L., carpenter  and builder.  Morris, F., carriagemaker.
      Coyle, John, innkeeper  and tailor-  O'Connor,  W., & Co., general store and shoe shop -
      7>avid, Sidney,  cooper,            O'Connor,  Thomas, general store.
      Grannis, Henry,  innkeeper.         Peters, Absalom,  blacksmith-
      Hardwick,  John,  cooper.           Rouse,   -, grist mill.
      Hoppins, Aaron,  millwright.        Smith, Ira,  blacksmith.
      Jenkins, Edwin,  blacksmith.        Warner,  Charles, general  store.
      Miller,  George, saw  and  planing mill.  Warner, Sidney, saw  mills.
      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Whitby,  County of York, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 40
      miles—usual stage fare,  7s. 6d.—distant  from  Oshawa, 6 miles—usual stage  fare, Is, 3d.  Population
      about 270.
      BLACK  JOHN,  postmaster.
      Adams, Joseph,  blacksmith.         Letcher, Joseph, joiner.
      Ashton,  Robert, joiner.            McLaren,  Duncan, joiner.
      Beal, John, mason.                  McDonald, Patrick,  waggonmaker.
      Beal, William,  shoemaker.          Manuel,  Mrs.,  dressmaker.
      Black, J., miller.                  Marks, Paul,  shoemaker.
      Blair, Thomas,  miller.             Mason, Thomas, saddler.
      Clark, James,  innkeeper,           Mills, James,  saddler.
      Cribb,  Stephen,  tailor.           Nickerson,  Nathan,  waggonmaker -
      Daymen, P., school teacher.         Passmore, Thomas,  shoemaker.
      Dean, John,  mason.                 Penhall, William,  innkeeper.
      Dow, Thomas, general  store.        Roberts, S., school  teacher.
      Gibbs, W. H., general store.        Salter, James,  shoemaker.
      Granger, John,  blacksmith.         Skirving,  Robert, general store-
      Hankings, James,  shoemaker.        Smith, A., miller.
      Heal, James,  tailor.               Stanley, Hiram,  cooper.
      Hepburn, Geo., tanner and  shoemaker.  Wilson, William,  cabinetmaker.
      Kerr, Adam,  shoemaker.             Wherry,  John,  tailor.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of  Compton,  County  of  Sherbrooke,  C.  E.—distant  from
      Sherbrooke,  11 miles.
      9aily,  H.,  wheelwright.           Rice, H., & Co., general store.
      Dearborn, L., innkeeper.            Reid,  Rev. C. P., Church of England.
      Glines, Dr.,  physician.            Sleeper, J. S., bailiff.
      Kendrick, A. W.,  postmaster  and general store.  Smith, S. G., general store.
      McCulloch, J., tailor.              Stimson, A., general store.
      Norton, M.,  innkeeper.             Wadleigh, S., teacher.
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