Page 51 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 51
A VILLAGE situated on the River Credit, in the Township of Chinguacousy, County of York, C. W.
—distant from Toronto, 38 miles—usual stage fare, 5s. Population about 225.
ALLEN, WILLIAM, general merchant and postmaster.
Campbell, Rev. James, Baptist. Haines, Ebenezer, saw mill and carpenter.
Campbell, Mrs., milliner. Haines, Mrs. Charles, milliner.
Campbell, Colin, innkeeper. Henry, William, innkeeper.
Carmichael, Dugald, blacksmith. Lawrence, Joseph H., general store and Insurance
Carrick, James, tailor. agent.
Clarke, Neil, tailor. Mclntyre, Alexander, shoemaker.
Cousins, Dr. John R. Paterson, John, waggonmaker.
Crawford, Andrew, carpenter. Ranseer, John, innkeeper.
Currie, Donald, shoemaker. Reid, Rev. Hugh, Baptist.
Edwards, Robert, blacksmith. Spence, David, general store.
Haines, Charles, sen., grist mill.
A small VILLAGE situated in the Township of Athol, County of Prince Edward, C. W.—distant from
Picton, 5 miles* Population about 100.
tnsley, I. T., postmaster, saddler, and saw mill. Spafibrd, Sheldon, temperance inn and grocef.
Johnson, Cyril, blacksmith. Spafford, Solomon S., temperance inn and grocfet.
Palton, Jv)hn, tailor. Spafford, Harvey, blacksmith.
Sloggot, Richard, carriagemaker. A general store is required in this village.
A VILLAGE situated in the Seigniory of Bloury, County of Rouville, C. E.—distant from Montreal,
28 miles—usual stage fare, 7s. (3d. Population about 1,200.
AUBERTIN, HENRY, notary public, mayor and county registrar, Stevenson si.
DUFRESNE, ALEXANDER, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, &c, Napier st.
LABERGE, CHARLES, advocate, Napier st.
VINCELET, V., notary public, Napier st.
Amel, F. F. Z., notary, Stevenson st. Lebeau, Francois, shoemaker, Stevenson st.
Armstrong, Rev. G. M"., Church of England Leblanc, Jacques, carpenter, Christie st.
Besette, Auguste, dry goods, Stevenson st. Lepret, Dr. A., Napier st.
Besette, Israel, carpenter, Stevenson st. McGinnis, , grist and saw mills and woollen
Bosquet, William, wheelwright, Ferree st. factory.
Bouthillier, D., blacksmith, Ferrfiij st. Marcoux, Jeremie, blacksmith, Stevenson st.
Carnabi, Alexander, shoemaker, Ferroa st. Masse, Michael, dry goods, Ferree st.
Cassore, Thomas, innkeeper, Napier st. Momini, Julien, carpenter, Ferrtfe st.
Charlanfl, Joseph, dry goods, Napier st. Monier, George, shoemaker, Ferrce, st.
Ghicot, Marcile, carpenter. Ferree st. Moneau, David, shoemaker, Ferree st.
Cimoneau, Vital, tanner, Napier st. Murphy. Patrick, grocer, Napier st.
Couyot, Toussaint, blacksmith, Christie st. Patenaud, Cyril, blacksmith, Stevenson st.
Dacier, Joseph, dry goods, Stevenson st. Pelletier, E. G., advocate. Napier st.
DeBoucherville, Dr. C , Napier st. Pickel, John, advocate, Water st.
Desmarais, Nazare, shoemaker, Stevenson st. Powell, A. H., dry goods, Napier st.
Duelos, Pierre, blacksmith, Stevenson st. Ripley, Joseph II., woollen factory, Napier st
Durocher, Louis, shoemaker, Ferree st. Roi, Theopile, dry good?. Napier st.
Fauls, Alexander, grocer, Napier st. Sicot, Ferdinand, blacksmith, Ferree st.
Filiatrault, Etienne, grocer, Napier st. Souprenans, Pierre, wheelwright, Stevenson «t
Fortin, Isaac, shoemaker, Stevenson st.
Gautier, Louis, grocer, Napier st. Taille, Eli, watchmaker. Market st.
Gautier, Rev. Theodore, Roman Catholic. Tyler, Henry, notary, Napier st. st.
Vincelet, Edward,
goods, Bridge
Hudon, Isaie, innkeeper, Napier st.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Toronto, County of York, C. W.—distant from Toronto, 2£
miles—usual stage fare, 3s. 9d. Population about 250.